After a Couple of Day's Reflection.

Jun 26, 2016 14:57

I want to make something clear.

The referendum result did not go the way I had hoped, it went the way I had feared. We are living in scary times, no leadership, lots of squabbling and division. Uncertainty.

But I still support the right of every individual to have voted the way they felt best and will not be tarring everyone who took a different view to me with the same brush.

We can agree to differ and still be friends and frankly, as a nation, we need to look at Jo Cox's words and work to make sure that there is more which unites us than divides us and to stand together against some of the racism and ugliness which has been let loose during this campaign.

Don't forget that the campaign didn't create the ugliness, it just gave it a voice and legitimised it and I'm sure that the majority of the 52% are as appalled as I am by some of the opinions stated and the actions taken.

So, whichever way you voted, as long as you can say " not in my name" to racism, antisemitism, homophobia, Islamophobia, transpHobia, disabilism anti migrant sentiment, in fact all hate speech, othering and violence, I still count you as a friend and ally and I hope that those here who voted differently to me can still accept that I hold my views sincerely and that holding an opposing view does not imply judgement of those who hold other views.

I can't promise not to sound off here I'm still terrified. I still wholeheartedly believe that the nation has made a terrible mistake and I worry for friends and colleagues and family members who wait to know their new status in this new world. I worry for myself too, after all the work I do is EU funded,that £250 billion to steady the markets represents £250 thousand million. The total budget for my organisation is £2.4 million a year. It's pretty tough to see 104166.666667 years worth of funding blown in 3 hours and stay quiet.

But what I won't be doing is blaming those who voted differently for this or denigrating all Brexit voters as stupid, gullible. racist, little Englanders whatever the insult of the day is; That's no fairer than the mud which was thrown both ways during the lamentably superficial debates leading up to the referendum. Any blame lies with the politicians and the media. For any racist views or actions the blame lies with the person expressing or espousing those views, not with 52% of the nation . And what I will be doing is trying to come to terms with the decision and move forward in the hope that some good may come of it.

Peace Out.
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