Sleep problems are Back

Jun 02, 2020 00:40

Well great I am back to not being to fall and stay asleep. It feels like my meds have stopped working, but unsure which ones need adjusting. Going to have hormones checked. I am on HRT but been over year since I have seen my doctor and had blood work. I see a Psychiatric doctor for the sleep too and my Bipolar. Bipolar 2, the hypomania can make it hard to sleep too so could be either med or both. I don't know why I build up resistance to medications and eventually they have to be adjusted or usually changed.

With the Pandemic and the rioting, I am so very depressed at times. I have to turn off the news and find something fun to watch or do. I feel like 2020 is horrible. Is this mess ever going to end? I hope they get a vaccine too soon so I can be around my parents and not be afraid that I might be asymptomatic that includes Alex who is 15 and plays with the neighborhood kids and I shouldn't let him. I don't know what to do.

We also for the first ever could not go on our family vacation to the Beach at Orange Beach in Gulf Shores. Would have been there this week. My Mom and Dad, brother and his family all go and share a Condo. It is so much fun. If they get the Vaccine then maybe next year we can go. If not the beach though my Dad said to rent a house, I forgot where but he said we would take day trips which would be easier on my Mom who can't make it down to the beach anymore. She needs a hip replacement, but won't do it. She will need a wheel chair wherever we go.

I hope whoever reads this is doing better than me. I know Jean will though I think I just told you most of this on another post. I am not sure how to find new friends here to add. I know this place was around at the beginning of the Internet before FB and Twitter and most people go there. Not fond of being told what I can say and not say and being threatened with being locked out of my account, punishment mainly for breaking their stupid rules. A lot of people complain.

Oh well going to try to get my son to bed and I feel so bad. Praying that God will help me sleep tonight.

protests, pandemic, personal, etc., sleep

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