
May 15, 2020 00:16

Re-posting this because I think I messed up, tried to post just to a certain group, but I did it wrong, not sure anyone could see it when I posted it a week ago.

I came back here to have a safe place to vent, not be attacked by people that were on my friend's list back when there was no FB and everyone was coming here. I am removing anyone who attacks me for supporting our US. President. You can have a different viewpoint, be a democrat and still be my friend if we don't talk politics, unless you are a Trump supporter and then no problems, but if not can talk without attacking him and me. I have kept the few democratic friends on FB by not ever commenting on anything they post political, and I have one good friend who makes me really laugh and she is far left. As long as we don't talk about that stuff we have a great time. If I am offensive to you, please remove me from your friend's list and I will remove you from mine. If you keep attacking anyway then I will ban you. I am stressed enough, sick, depressed, breaking out in hives, losing my hair. The stress of this time of Covid-19 and not seeing my family is bad enough without this pointless fighting about the President on stupid social media which looks more and more to me like a bad thing. I am keeping my close friends and family close and getting rid of the rest on both groups.

I have always supported whoever was President except one. When I was growing up you supported your President and the flag. I did not think much of Clinton at first and then some things he did was good. I didn't want him as President, but once he was then I supported him because in America that is what I thought we all did. I guess I was young and naive or the world has drastically changed into this place of hate. Sad. I feel like the signs are here. The killer hornets are coming too. I don't know that there is much time left and surprised God has not said, enough and sent his son back.

This is my beliefs. You don't like me, please take me off your friends list, I will check mine and remove you when I see you are gone.


trump, friends, covid-19, fb

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