
May 08, 2020 01:05

Life is hard was hard before the Cornavirus and the hoarders and all the death. I still am in the same house with my 15 year old son who has been through so much. Accident on a trampoline that was so bad, when he is 18 he will have to start having surgeries to fix his jaw and put in dental implants. His top two front teeth are gone. He has been in ( Read more... )

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Re: Sleep, fics, etc. debmommy22 May 14 2020, 01:01:36 UTC
Tell me where you got nice sheets?! I want super soft, don't care if they don't hold up. We used to have some like that, so comfortable. Nothing in America seems to be made well anymore or much anyway.

You're not old silly girl! :) You ever get a boyfriend? I need one. Been 6 years and even though no one will replace Michael, I still want to find someone. I hate being alone, then again if he dies on me I will kill him! I can't watch a second husband die. haha! I know, not funny. But got to laugh or I cry.

I think you could write books, but yeah harder. They are longer and you have to get a publisher.

My sleep was fine in my 20's and 30's and then I started having trouble. Thought it was medications, but I wasn't on anything but a tranquilizer and I started getting to where I couldn't stay asleep more than 4 or 5 hours every night and usually I would have eventually slept longer after going several nights like that, but I couldn't. I was coming apart, crying. I can't function well without 7 to 8 hours sleep a night. I used to sleep 9 to 10 hours if I didn't have to be up for something. I hear everything now too. Somebody's car alarm went off one morning 6 a.m. and I stay up late so I was mad, was really hard getting back to sleep. I hear thunder and my son can sleep through it. I feel like my brain is on "high" most of the time. I hate this illness. I've been on all kinds of meds, even the new ones I can't take the side effects. Oh well, such is life. She has me on an antipsychotic for sleep and bipolar, and a sleeping pill called Lunesta. I take 2 of them, but they don't work well alone. Not sure why.


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. badly_knitted May 14 2020, 09:47:43 UTC
I got mine in a small shop that was closing down. They were only single bed sized anyway, no good for your bed!

I still have the same one I met at 18. We don't live together, I can't handle being around people all the time, I'd rather be by myself, but I see him every week.

I just have absolutely no interest in writing books.

I used to sleep well, but my doctor got me addicted to tranquilizers and after a while instead of helping me relax and sleep they had the opposite effect. screwed up my mental health completely. I've never been right since. I don't take tranquillisers anymore, they've done me enough harm. Just have to live with the anxiety and panic attacks, OCD, and everything else.


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. debmommy22 May 15 2020, 04:49:23 UTC
Oh Jean I am sorry about the tranquilizers. I actually totally agree with you. When I started taking Xanax in my teens, they gave them out like candy and they seemed to help me and helped with sleep. I have been on just about all of them at different points, Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, which I am on now and really I just stay on it hoping it helps and really now if I don't take it, I go into withdrawal symptoms and can't sleep, but I know I should get off it. The stuff that helps is the anti-psychotic and that is ok to take though I don't think even it works all the time and it is hard to come off of too and I tried once and I got so sick every time I dropped 25mg then my sleep got so bad that I just had to go back on it. I am stuck on it unless they find something else I can take to keep me from withdrawing. It is harder to come off some of these prescription drugs than it is street drugs I have been told. They used to say they weren't addictive, that is crap! My hypomania is so bad I gave in and went on a Anti-psychotic called Seroquel. It also makes me hungry which I hate. I have to fight so hard not to eat too much and to exercise. I hate gaining weight again. At one time I was on so much crap I was up to 150 pounds if you can believe that! I am down around 130 pounds now, was 125.5 before all this shut in stuff started well no, 128 actually because of the stupid Seroquel I must take. I am so sorry they messed you up on tranquilizers, they work and then over years I think they become useless and then so hard to come off of. No one should take them really except maybe certain cases. I'm so sorry you have anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD. I have had all that stuff too. Not much I haven't had. No delusions, but a lot of depression + what you go through. I have been up nights with panic attacks, heart beating out of my chest and it would take hours before I could sleep. I know what you are going through. I used to have OCD really bad and still have it on a smaller scale I guess. Anxiety never goes away and I can out-worry anybody! *rolls eyes*

Oh that is ok about the sheets, was just curious, I figure we have different stores in the States than in the UK.

I remember you telling me about a nice guy who was your boyfriend, forgot his name, my memory is just shot from meds and just life I guess. I am glad he is still around and helps you out. I know some people do better on their own. I get it. I want my time alone, but I hate being always alone. I have Alex, but not the same as a husband, as Michael. I still love and miss him. Over 6 years now and I can't seem to get out and meet anyone and they won't be him. I do feel like he was my soulmate if you believe in that. It is hard to think about marrying someone else, then again, one day Alex will leave and I will be alone and I don't want that, but who is going to want me with all my problems, hard to find someone around my age who is not married and a great guy, cause I never settle. No way! He would have to be a Christian and we would have to feel a connection and just feel "home" with him, comfortable like with Michael. My best friend. Oh and must have a sense of humor, I don't require perfection, but I need someone who can laugh. Michael and I always could make each other laugh and that was the best. :)....oh sorry off I go again.

I like your fanfic. I do want to read it. I haven't felt like doing much. Whatever Alex I got is not good. I have had fever and chills, not bad enough to go to a doctor yet, but I am always aware and if it gets worse or Alex or I can't breathe, I will be calling the doctor. I think it is either a bad head cold or maybe regular flu, but people don't know. People who never had symptoms are testing with the antibodies. I hate this thing!


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. badly_knitted May 15 2020, 09:58:27 UTC
I was told both times that the tranquillisers were NOT addictive, then they discovered the Ativan was very addictive and instead of weaning m off it, stopped it completely so I went through horrendous withdrawal. Then I was put on Diazepam and that turned out to be addictive too, but I weaned myself off that one gradually with the help of my doctor and I've refused to be put on tranquillisers since, I tried an anti-anxiety drug, but that made me feel worse so I stopped taking it. The tranquillisers are what caused all the anxiety in the first place, now I'm stuck unable to work because I was given the wrong treatments.

When things settle down again maybe you get involved with church activities, that might be the best place for you to meet people and make friends. Who knows, you might meet a nice guy that way, someone you could trust and be comfortable with, but even if you didn't there would be people to talk with and spend time with, maybe you'd feel a little less lonely. *hugs*


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. debmommy22 May 16 2020, 04:17:28 UTC
Oh that is crazy! Tranquilizers are very addictive. What stupid doctor told you they were not?! Well I took them very young and really didn't know either though was told not to take them unless I needed them. Now I got into a habit of taking 3 a day and my body got used to them so it will be horrible if I even decide to come off them for good. They should "never" stop a medication like Ativan cold turkey. I don't know how much you were on, but the withdrawl is horrible. It must have been awful. So doctors just don't have a brain. How did they graduate medical school?

Yeah everyone tells me Church is a good place to meet someone. I never believed that. Never worked for me, but you got to keep going every Sunday. My brother met his wife to be at her Church when he moved to Atlanta to live and work when he was 24 years old. They have been married forever. They are so happy and have 2 sons. My brother is 57 now and she is 55 I think. The second child was born in her late 30's or early 40's. I can't remember now. One is in college the other is a little younger than Alex but they are in the same grade. I guess Robbie is starting 9th grade next year too. Nathan is in college.

I hope I do meet someone when the time is right. Michael had problems too so I figured part of why it worked. Not sure a guy who normal...whatever that is...would want me. Yeah I stay in the house too much. Would be good to get out and meet friends.


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. badly_knitted May 16 2020, 10:00:05 UTC
It was a psychiatrist who put me on the Ativan then stopped it. My own doctor put me on diazepam but back then, nearly 40 years ago, they didn't know it was so addictive and he was a great help getting me off it so I don't blame him.

The church is at least a good place to socialise with people who share your values. I sometimes miss going to church but I'm not able to go out much anyway, or sit through a service on hard pews. My hips are bad.

I hope you'll meet someone when you're really ready. No one will ever take Michael's place on your heart, but a new man might someday make his own space there. Tings happen when they happen *hugs* You can't rush or force them.


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. debmommy22 May 16 2020, 20:01:04 UTC
Sounds like you had a bad Psychiatrist. I have a friend who got a bad one too and did the same kind of thing to her when coming off a tranquilizer. Glad your regular doctor had some sense took you off the other the diazepam more slowly. That is Valium I just looked it up. Weird I tried that one once and it actually kept me awake at night. It is the oldest of all of them I think.

Yeah Church might be the place. Sorry you can't go and you have so many health problems. I understand.

No can't rush things, just thought after 6 years surely I would meet someone. I waited 10 years to meet Michael cause like I said, I won't settle for the wrong person just so I am not alone.


Re: Sleep, fics, etc. badly_knitted May 17 2020, 10:16:26 UTC
Yeah, the psychiatrist was never much help. I was on valium at one time, made me like a zombie. It was only for a couple of weeks though.

We all take different amounts of time to recover from losing someone to the point where we can move forward. Maybe you'll meet someone new, maybe you won't but it's not something you can plan to happen withing a set amount of time. If it happens it'll probably be when you least expect it to but that shouldn't keep you from meeting people and socialising. When restriction over such things ease up to the point where people CAN actually spend time together, that is.


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