Just Checking In:

Sep 17, 2017 22:12

Hey, still here. Life is just hectic. Hey badly_knitted Jean, Sorry haven't posted. Alex is back in school. We are having it rough as always. You would be surprised if I ever came on here and said things were great. Maybe someday. More therapy needed for Alex, he is in trouble at school ( Read more... )

vent, boring post, personal

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debmommy22 October 13 2017, 21:51:01 UTC
Hey girl, Sorry I keep disappearing. Been a month almost since I was here. I got busy with a new group on FB, had another falling out with a different friend and then made up with the other girl who like you has stood by me for a long time and like you has stood by me since Michael died.

Anyway Alex just started middle school and is in trouble all the time, failing classes so that is why I haven't been around. He melts down, I was doing some of his work for him and met with his teachers who said he can do the work just doesn't want to. I have tried punishing him and rewarding him. Some days he does better than others. I have been near a nervous breakdown with him. He is so messed up, a lot of problems and not adjusting to a more grown up school and kids at this age are so mean. I hated for me it was Jr. High. I will never know why some kids are so mean while others like I was and Alex don't want to hurt anyone.

Did you get pictures from the wedding of your niece. I hope it went well. Yeah I can't see me flying to another country either. Been on a plane once but was from here to Virginia where Michael's best friend lives early in our marriage. It was fun but I have never really been anywhere. Mostly the beach like Florida and Gulf Shores Alabama. Washington DC. a few times as a kid before our would went nuts with terrorist attacks. And now all the violence since President Trump was elected I won't go into politics over here just so sick of the hate and violence. I don't even want to turn on the news anymore. Not the kind of patriot country I grew up in. Just sad.

Alex is with Nana so felt like coming on here and saying hi to everyone. I wish I could keep up more. Sad there is no journaling on FB. My venting group I call it is pretty much a dead group. Me and a childhood friend in it I grew up with. People don't want to read my crap and be brought down. I talk too much. Then others want to fix me and that ends in fights. One reason I just don't post anywhere sometimes about my problems.

I hope you are ok, I am sure you are still writing and I am glad. You really seem to have a gift for it. Our time is so different I bet you are sleeping right now. Life just gets so complicated and busy, I can't always get on here all the time.

Hugs Deb.


badly_knitted October 14 2017, 10:26:02 UTC
*hugs* I can only hope that Alex will do better once he settles down and adjusts. It's a big upheaval going to a new school, it can be scary and confusing. I hope the teachers are being supportive, but he's been through so much.

I avoid the news as much as possible. The situation in both our countries is not good, it worries and depresses me.

Yes, I'm still writing. Signed up for too many things so it's a bit of a struggle at the moment, but I'm doing my best to keep up.

Got to keep an eye on the weather because I have laundry out on the line, hopefully drying.


debmommy22 October 16 2017, 04:03:37 UTC
Hey Jean, going to bed, just a quick Hi again. Yeah it is so different middle school from elementary school. They except so much and you have to keep up + he is late a lot to class. Been in detention 3 times. I am worried about him. Trying to get him better psychiatric care. Hard road and difficult to get anyone to take our insurance since it is basically government insurance because it is a benefit from Michael being in the army.

Yeah I am not sure what is happening in England, over here it is beyond horrible. I watch the news some but I get sick. All the hate and violence, beginning to think might be better if our country did divide up again though I know Lincoln, who I think was very wise, knew we should be one country.

Oh that must be rough having to hang out clothes to dry. I have never done that. I have an washer and dryer and dishwasher. I am too spoiled, I die every time one of my appliances go out on me.

Sounds like you are busy, but that can be good. I feel better when I can push myself to work, but not doing Alex's work for him that is not right. I have been through school. He has got to learn how to stand on his on one day and without an education, at least here, you can't get a decent job. I think he has gifts, his dyslexia and stubbornness is making it hard. He acts like he is dying just to write a few sentence of homework. I wish Michael was here to help. Going to try to get Alex in a special school next year. Expensive, will take whole family to pay for it. I just can't seem to get him to work enough.

Talk to you later. Sure wish we didn't live such a "long" way away from each other. haha!
Deb. :)


badly_knitted October 16 2017, 10:31:59 UTC
Our country is falling apart, run by an idiot, that's basically it.

Dyslexia just makes it so hard. Alex needs to turn his stubbornness into a virtue by putting it all into succeeding, but how can that be explained to a kid? All he knows is that he's struggling. I hope you can get better support for him.

I like hanging the washing out, makes it smell so nice and fresh, but the weather over summer has been so wet so much of the time that laundry piles up because I know I can't get it dry if I wash it. In winter it's easier because I can get things dry on the radiator, but summer is tough. At least there's only me, so there's not too much.


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