The Christmas Spirit

Dec 22, 2010 18:22

This year, a Turkish student, one of the worst students in the class, wrote a letter to Santa that really brought the Christmas spirit home to me. Read all the way to the end. Trust me, it's worth it.

Dear Santa Claus,

At the that time, there are too many poors, homelesses, wictims of war or natural disasters and hard sicks around the world. Therefore, some people miss to generous and helpfull people like you.

Also, laws and apportunieties work for just special groups around the world. So, a the system without balance is carried out around the world. Riche people are too riche although poor people are too poor. I don't know to cause of this situation. Perharp, it can be capitalist system. Because, big fish always eats to small fish.

All fo them thrue. but there are good people who pray to theirself God and carry out helping charities for all of them in the world. Although some people look for and miss you sir.

Love, E.

holidays, christmas

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