Although my dad will probably never see this message because he does not come to my site, due to the big Ryo-chan face on my header, which supposedly freaks him out. HA HA HA Gomen, Daddy!
Happy Father's Day!!
パパ大好き♥ (I love you dad♥)
Happy Birthday,
xhidden_dreamzx♪ (← I already said it in your LJ, but who cares ne?)
By the way, I just found out a couple days ago that my cousin in Japan was able to get me into You & J (the NEWS, 関ジャニ∞ & KAT-TUN fan-club)! So whenever the fan-club sends something to her house, she'll send it to me♪ (.^-^.) **Excited** I can't wait to get something. I'll be sure to keep you guys informed about what I get ne? If you're interested.