
Oct 11, 2005 14:20

The hottest topic of the week is Ryoちゃん's solo. Everyone is talking about it, so why not share my opinion as well? I'm going to keep it short though. Okay, when I first heard about it(midnight last night), I was surprised. I thought, "Wow... if this makes Ryoちゃん happy, then I'm happy too." But, my happiness for him was overshadowed with concern. He is going to be exhausted, he just admited that he was working too hard, just recently, and now he has more work! Knowing Ryoちゃん, even if he was exhausted, he wouldn't quit. Why is Johnny's over-working him. 何でやねん? He is gorgeous and lots of people would pay a lot of money to get close to him, but come on, give him a break! I'm not even going to get into the stupid rumors going around about Ryoちゃん quitting NEWS & 関ジャニ∞.

Anyways, on to other not-so-contoversial-things. I got my Calc. test back yesterday... turns out I didn't fail it after all! (.^o^.) My sister probably wants to hit me because I was complaining to her all weekend that I failed it and that I lost my math mojo. Yeah, a B is far from failing, my bad. (.~_~.) 結局「math mojo」無さなかったみたい。 (.^o^.) 何で私いつも「バカになっちゃたよ~」っと思んだろう。。。悪い癖だね。(.~_~.)

Oh, I was watching がんばっていきまっしょい again and it was the episode where Sekino defends Etsuko in front of everyone. Ryoちゃん was hotter than usual(if that's possible), when he was protecting her (.♥o♥.) めっちゃ感動した。Ryoちゃんに守られてたらどんなに幸せだろう。でも、逆に私のほうがRyoちゃんを守もりたいかも♥。

*Message to Ryoちゃん* 「Ryoちゃんのsoloおめでとう。 (.^o^.) Ryoちゃんには仕事がとっても大事なのは知ってる。 でも、私はRyoちゃんの体が心配です。 頑張ってるRyoちゃんはステキで大好だけど、体を大事にして下さいね。 私はRyoちゃんの幸せを何よりも願ってます。」

*Message to Hirokiくん* 「Hirokiくん、頑張って! いつもまでもHirokiくんの笑顔を待ってるからね。」

ちょこっとpersonalなentry, Hirokiくん (内博貴), Ryoちゃん (錦戸亮)

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