(no subject)

May 11, 2011 19:35

Dear Plot Bunnies,
Please stop breeding. I'm tired, my foot is dodgy, I can't be doing with staying up half the night to finish this shiny new idea you've dropped in my lap and I have college in the morning. All day. I don't need any more ideas, I have plenty.

No love,

Needless to say, yet another plot bunny bit me, this time as a follow-up to the All That Remains fic, from Carver's view. Plus another decided to bite me just as I was falling asleep for Leandra. Along with some other ones for August.

Meme is under the cut.

1. Favorite Dragon Age game (Ie: Origins, Awakening, Dragon Age 2)
2. Favorite character:
3. Least favorite character:
4. Favorite Love Interest:

5. Least favorite Love Interest: Toss up between Alistair and Merrill. I much prefer Alistair as my Warden's best buddy throughout than their love interest, for all he's sweet and everything. Merrill...I just can't see myself ever romancing her. I see her too much like a little sister to my Hawke(s) and they always, ALWAYS, rival her thanks to the damn mirror.

Rest of the Meme
6. Your Warden’s story
7. Favorite quest
8. Least favorite quest
9. Favorite class (ie; mage, warrior, rogue, assassin, healer…)
10. Favorite party banter
11. Favorite song from the soundtracks
12. OTP
13. Mages or Templars?
14. Character you wish was a romance option
15. Your favorite “Bro”
16. Your ultimate team from all games
17. Favorite Origins story
18. Character you are most like
19. Character who’d be your best friend
20. Character you wouldn’t get along with
21. Favorite villain
22. Favorite NPC
23. Scene you wish you could change the outcome of the most
24. Most shocking scene
25. Scene that made you cry
26. Crack OTP
27. Best part of the games
28. Worst part of the games
29. If you made a deal with a demon what would your bargain be?
30. Hopes for Dragon Age 3
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