Fic: Claimed

May 11, 2011 01:37

Anders and a kitten. Because I've had a filling done to my front tooth, it hurts and I have to go into college tomorrow. Whoopie. And I'm not feeling the slightest bit tired yet.
Note creative I am not when it comes to names, pet names in particular, so Serah Whiskers is best you'll get out of me :P

Title: Claimed
Fandom: Dragon Age 2
Characters: M!Hawke/Anders
Summary: A kitten finds Hawke and decides that his estate is the perfect home.

He's never liked Lowtown, liked it even less when he had to live there with Uncle Gamlen. He's only there to pick up some herbs and visit Merrill.

He notices it when he's wandering the market in Lowtown, errands done and killing time until Anders meets him there. It's a small ball of fur, dashing out every so often in between people's feet and almost gets kicked out the way. He tries to ignore it, he has a dog, Damian won't take to it, and continues valiantly trying to ignore it even when it's attacking his bootlaces. It gives up with those and simply follows him, meowing all the way.

"No, I don't hear you," Hawke tells the cat. His plan of ignoring it is failing badly. "You can follow me all you like, but I'm not paying attention to you. I'm not."
The kitten doesn't pay much attention to what he's saying either and it continues to follow him.
"Look, you'd hate it. I have a dog, he'd eat you. You're about the right size for his mouth."
The kitten meowed, as if in disagreement.
"I'm not taking you. It would be fine if Anders still stayed at the clinic, he could look after you."
There was no answer.
"Oh good, you've given up. I'm sorry and all but you're not coming home."
"Who are you talking to, love?" Anders' voice comes from behind him. He turned to face the mage, finding the kitten was nowhere to be found. Perhaps that was a good thing, he'd never hear the end of it if Anders had seen it.

"Uh. Just myself. As usual." He grins at Anders, receives an odd look for his troubles. He's come to recognise it as "Hawke's crazy, back away now" that Carver normally gave him at one point or another. Or almost all the time as the years went on.
Anders is at least far more forgiving than what Carver ever was, thank the Maker, and he loops his arm around his own and starts walking.
He throws a last glance over his shoulder, looking for the kitten. He doesn't see it this time and he lets Anders lead him back to the clinic.


Against his better judgement, he goes back looking for the kitten in Lowtown. Merrill mentions it, Anders immediately perks up on hearing about the litter of kittens and Hawke...just can't refuse. Even if Anders knows nothing about it yet. He finds it completely typical, if anything. When he's looking for it, the little blighter is nowhere to be found, if he hadn't have been, he'd be seeing it everywhere.
He's getting more odd looks as people pass by. He's trying to discreetly look under shop stalls and more than once has he been followed by a guard, thinking he's about to steal something.
He gives up come the afternoon, convinced he would've found it already if it had wanted to be found. Perhaps a good thing that Anders didn't know about it.


It's later that night and they're in bed, Hawke already dropping off to sleep, Anders still awake and likely to be for another while. He's lying on his side, curled up, comfortable and warm, so he takes offence when he hears Anders call him and drag him back from the edge of sleep.

"I am still sane, aren't I?" Anders says. There's a hint of incredulity in his voice and Hawke has to wonder what's wrong.
He groans however, sticks his head under the pillow. "If you need to ask, that says it all," he answers. His pillow is stolen and he's hit over the head with it.
"Just look, will you? My robes are moving on their own."
He rolls his eyes. "The state your robes end up in sometimes, I'm amazed they haven't stood up and walked out to the nearest fire to give themselves up."
He's hit with the pillow again.
He sits up, yawning loudly and rubs his eyes. He looks over to the end of the bed and sure enough, the robes are moving on their own. He sighs. "It's probably just a rat has got in."
"As if I didn't see enough in Darktown." Anders, now at least happier that it's not his imagination, throws off the covers and swings his legs around, reaching for his trousers that are lying on the floor. "Stay there then, I'll get it."
Hawke doesn't have any complaints and he curls back up, all ready to sleep.

He's settled and quite happy when he hears Anders' voice penetrate.
"Oh hello, where did you come from?"
For the love of the Maker...
He sits up once more and there is Anders, kneeling down to pet a kitten that is doing its damnedest to rip the feathered pauldron to pieces. It's the same kitten as the one that had been following him. Well, that at least saved a search.
Anders carefully picks it up, holding it close. "How did you get in, hm? Want something to eat?" He wanders off out of the room with the kitten, presumably to feed it. Hawke settles down again and hopes for sleep this time.


The kitten, Serah Whiskers as it is thusly named, settles in nicely and the dog, Damian, doesn't eat it. Surprisingly it is Hawke who names it, despite he thinks there's nothing wrong with the name, it's very cat-like, he thinks.
"You're worse than the Commander for naming things," Anders remarks. "And that is saying something, given his dog was named 'Mutt'."
Hawke can't help but snort at the comment. The Hero of Ferelden named his Mabari Mutt? Maker, he's never been that bad.

If nothing else, it cheers Anders up and for that, he'll suffer Serah Whiskers climbing his leg like a tree, Anders fussing over it and Damian crashing into him when the two are playing. Whatever makes Anders happy.

And now for bed since I have college in the morning. Joy.

hawke, anders, dragon age 2, fic, august hawke, writing

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