(no subject)

Mar 30, 2010 18:06

Right, I've set up my Cousland to be king, only because I want that achievement for the ending (or at least I hope it works out, I don't think I've room to make another character). And so, despite knowing what's going to happen with Alistair (wandering drunk as I can't bear to let him die) and with him and my Cousland being all pally, I feel guilty. For all I like Loghain and I'm getting him in my party, damn it, I still feel bad about Alistair.


Doesn't help I'll need to keep saving like a mad woman, had five powercuts today because of the weather.

And I just noticed today, one of the new male guppies I bought on Sunday for my big tank, it has one eye. Now to think of a name for it.
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