Dragon Age Babbling

Mar 29, 2010 22:24

Since I'm stuck in the Fade in Awakening, can't find the last Veil Tear and the plot bunnies for DAO in general won't leave me alone.

So. I bought Awakening, pre-ordered off of GAME for the sole reason I'd get it a day earlier and I wanted to meet Nathaniel Howe. Really not struck on the way they've done the dialogue for Awakening, clicking on random objects instead of simply click on character and yap away.

So, in preparing for Awakening, I finished off my Cousland playthrough, and...Alistair buggered up my plans royally. I figured this would be the one in which I spared Loghain, despite Alistair falling out with me over it, I can never bring myself to kill him. Alistair does it. Anyway. I forgot I hadn't told Alistair, people suck get over it, when meeting Goldanna, and was sympathetic to him over it. Another thing I can't bring myself to do is be mean to him. *is a sap*
Landsmeet happens, Alistair has his tantrum, I've set him and Anora up to get married then Alistair says, sod you I'm not marrying her. I forgot I hadn't hardened him and so he buggered off to be a wandering drunk. With Maric's sword.

The rotten fecking swine buggered off with a bloody great sword, specially enchanted for him, glowy runes the lot, that he's probably going to sell for booze. Needless to say I wasn't happy. And still haven't forgiven him for it. Though I did have Loghain who is a powerhouse when it comes to fights. Two goes it took before I killed the Archdemon, took five when I kept Alistair.

Having said that, my poor Cousland was not having a lot of luck anyway. Alistair, his best pal buggers off, Zevran nearly did after the fight with Talisen. Poor thing, everyone leaves him. Though it's odd, that that particular character, during every game I always play at least one variation of him, always ends up miserable, alone and broken come the end of the game. Somehow. Well, at least with the Cousland origin, the brother turns up again at the end and my Cousland had Leliana. But generally, whenever I play my 'good guy' types, they end up not having a very good time of it at all. Except Oblivion where I murdered 17 people and still can't remember 8 of them.

Although when importing my Aeducan, despite not finishing the game yet with her, I did have to go "awww" when Alistair called her "love". At least he turns up in Awakening unlike a certain elf. Storm the Dark City to be by my Tabris's side but won't come to Amaranthine? What, is that just too far for him? Bloody developers.

Having said that, my mind is trying to figure how Zev could get to Amaranthine. Dragon Age has taken over my brain. Really.

Bought FF13 as well. Currently on Chapter 10, just beaten Cid Raines (whyyyyyy?! D:) and am now stuck on Bahamut. Ugh. I adore Fang, really I do, but damn it if her Eidolon fight isn't a bitch to do. Like all of them. Dreading Hope's since I find him next to useless.

Well, back to attempting to write. If nothing else, I do want to try finishing this story with the City Elf's father.
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