(no subject)

May 26, 2007 22:42

So I stumbled upon caps of AWE and it was like I was powerless to resist making a Will/Elizabeth picspam full of caps of terrible quality? OTP OF THE UNIVERSE, GUYS. Caps are from dj_capslock as is apparent from the tag. And yes, the quality of these is awful. I will probably make a more extensive one when I get the DVD 'cause...yeah.


more faaaaaaaaaaaaaces.

this is a terrible cap but I felt one of the moment was necessary?

WILL YOU ARE SUCH A DWEEB. that is why I love you.

another awful cap but rawles and I were discussing how COUPLE-Y the chest bang was and I just enjoy it so muuuch.

and he is so not able to fathom betraying Elizabeth ever even when they are pissed off at each other!

so pretttyyyy. also when he snarked at her? LOVE FOREVER.


I can't remember what's going on here (NEED MULTIPLE VIEWINGS) but the cap is hot.

these shots make it look like she's looking at him! I THINK IT IS A SAFE ASSUMPTION. also his faaaace during her speech.


I am going to have dreams about how pretty the DVD-quality caps will be.



uhm, best kiss in the history of film? QUITE POSSIBLY.

I don't think I will ever have words ever, guys. :(


Captain Turner, King of Pirates/Captain Turner of the Flying Dutchman otp forever.
(also faaace)

um there was originally a cap of Elizabeth's leg with Will's boot and him griiiining but I guess I saved over it and I don't feel like going back? PRETEND IT IS HERE.


I just...don't know. ♥

pirates, picspams

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