I've been working on a website with Pylons for the last week or so. Don't use Pylons, btw. Use Pyramid, the successor. It might be better documented
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I finally scanned some older things and put them on Artspots. You're just going to have to believe me when I say these are worth seeing because I can't make [easy] embedded thumbnail html anymore; I guess they got sick of bandwidth leeches.
I want to know more. I want to be able to do this faster. I should be able to; it is a testament to my own laziness that I can't. I should not have to have my coworkers do my work for me
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[deathweaselx86] 2:17 ^^ The IT guy brought his baby to work She is SO CUTE and happy and Honey initially thought she was a prey animal but now 2:17 I think Honey understands it's a baby human.
The kid is pretty cute and very alert, though. > > I can't take care of a kid right now, but I can't help but want one like her.