what's YOUR deepest secret? brought to you by
Quizillaif you cant see the pic, its a stick man of me with boobies, and it tells me that I got implants...
yeah, as i see it, I'll have a greater appreciation of breasts if i have my own, so what the hell, ley em on me! At least i wont have to go too far to get some action!
Well. On that note, I was in a police lineup today lol, yeah the dogs came and we got to school late, so we ended up going to Guidance, where we had to hang out until the end of 1st. But what was silly was the fact that Ms. Bitch (i forgot her real name), oh i remeber it now, Williams, came in and started yelling at us telling us to take our clothes off (sweatshirts, coats, pants) (ok maybe not pants) yeah, so we then had to go line up in front of this police officer and stay in one place until the dogs finished having fun sniffing my lunch. Yeah this one girl tried to sit down on the stairs that we were standing on, and the police officer started yelling at her, "Ms. Stand up right now!" she looked slightly scared. Yeah these two other girls after the sit down scare, started making comments like "Oh yeah because shes got a concealed weapon!" and "Yeah a rifle strapped to her back." of course this was in a sarcastic way, but it just totally defined the irony and, in my opinion the stupidity of the situation we were in. Josh and I were having a good laugh about it. Yeah, the rest of my day was nothing special, lunch, (my fave subject) was great, just glad to have seen some buddies, and got some hugs (yay, claire) lol, yeah so, today was overall silly, with a few weird moments, but weird is the sugar of life. (spice was taken by variety) yeah, so, i'm gonna go play with my boobies
P.S. Yay!