Dec 31, 2004 10:41
Random subject yes, but it was what i was hearing at the time. I'm really staring to resent living in this house with these monsters, they are cruel and two faced all of them. I don't want to go into a big ranty spiel about this as i usually do, but I'll just raise the point 'How can you expect so much from me when you give me nothing in return?' On a lighter/darker note, I got the internet back yesterday, which is a mixed gift as always, oh and let me explain. For those of you that know me, you all know that I haven't had the internet for roughly around 2 years, and that I have been asking/begging/pleading/banging my face into a wall to get them to get it back, and guess what, it ends up that after 2 years of stupidity on my mom's sake, my Grandparents (note grandparents, see; technologically impaired) understood better than my parents the importance of a good computer and internet access for two teenage students, and they graciously decided that they would put all of our christmas money into a new computer, and therefore force my parents onto the bandwagon (they say wisdom comes with age,) now, the modem got here yesterday, and sat in the kitchen for hours, while my mom negelcted to tell me about it (nice, really nice) I proceed to ask if I could hook it up, and instead I get this long list of jobs to do with my "Rewards" at the end (basically i get to have someone over tonight, and i got to hook up the internet) so the time finally came that i had done all of the housework (by myself i may add) and i come down to find my mom sitting on her work computer (which she's had for a year, with internet, but won't let us use because shes scared we'll mess it up, (every time i do get to use it its only to fix the porblems that she's caused) and i get the same paranoid delusionist telling me not to touch anything with the internet, freaking out over surge protectors, and not knowing how to do a bloody thing but thinking that she's better than me. I try to load everything up, after my mom goes out for an hour just to prolong my agony, and what do i get, two shrieky whiny people getting in my way and telling me I'm doing things wrong (which i of course am not!) I finally get it set up, after much consternation (we haven't got the new computer yet, and I'm working on an old system) so I got it hooked up, and what happens, my mom automatically tells me to be considerate, to go clean up and give my sister a turn, as i had just been on the computer for an hour (YES SETTING THE BLOODY INTERNET UP!) So i finally get on at around 11:30 (after kicking my sister off by making the computer freeze and telling her i had to fix it) And i then proceed to finally have a little alone time, until 5 in the morning, catching up with my long departed friend. I did all of the basic stuff, checked my LJ, replied to some people's posts, browsed teh (not like it matters yet, this hard drive is almost full), checked emails, went to my funny sites, and did some research on some bands that i really have started to like. I finally get to sleep at around 6am, and am rudely awoken at around quarter to nine, being told that i have to go shovel snow. I end up getting out there, and doing it all(had to clear off landing so this guy from express view could hook up the new satilite cause we are switching packages to save money) he gets here and the retard doesn't even set it up, he says that there's no line of sight for the thing, but thats cause hes not willing to climb a ladder. So mostly everything that i do around here is pointless and meaningless other than for my parents to excercise control. Unfortunately for them that will be stopping now. I have decided that until someone in this family pays even a slight bit of attention to me (not telling me to do something) I won't do anything to be helpful, that until i feel welcome in this family, i won't count myself as a part of it, its right now only a title. I think I've said my peace... If you've actually taken the time to read through all of this i commend you, you are a trooper, I hope that you know that you are the reason that I can still smile.