Feb 01, 2006 13:44
Time for an update after a long break. Because people who update on vacation are tools and losers, I chose not to post my everday doings during my off time.
So here's what I got for you. First, anyone else have this? There's one person you see walking to class everyday that always waves, or nods, or might give some verbal variation of "hi" to you. You do not know this person. You may have been briefly introduced to this person as some friend of a friend. You have no recollection of this person's name. Regardless, you feel obligated to respond with some sort of recognition jesture as a matter of politeness. Why does this person seem to remember you so greatly? Do they actually remember your name? These question will, and should, never be answered.
I've been trying to catch up on movies I haven't watched yet in my life. Mostly starting with science fiction. I'm not gonna give full reviews right now, cause I don't feel like it. If you want to know more of what I thought or why, ask and you shall receive (fags). Here's what I got:
1. Pitch Black. This one's pretty good. Better than it looks. Probably a 6.5.
2. Chronicles of Riddick. The sequal to the above. Lots of cool stuff, but too much shit going on, and an argueably lame ending. 5.5.
3. 12 Monkeys. This one was really good. You couldn't do it justice by explaining it to someone, and watching the trailer makes it look awful, but if you actually get into it, it is really impressive. 8.5.
That's it so far. I guess I downloaded Patriot Games, even though I have no recollection of doing so. So that one's probably next I guess.
And Ryan says I gotta watch the following:
Rtc303: the next movie u need to see is history of violence
Rtc303: and then akira
Rtc303: and dark city
Rtc303: and taxi driver
Rtc303: and brotherhood of the wolf
I think I'm also gonna try to watch A Clockwork Orange. Maybe Serenity. That I guess has some decent reviews. Feel free to add stuff to the list that I might not have seen. But if you suggest something gay and I watch it and it turns out to be less than a 5 on my scale I'm gonna kick your ass.
That is all....for now...