10 HP Prisoner of Azkaban

May 22, 2020 16:00

Eh, I might go radio-silent in June, so I'm going to publish what I have laying around bit earlier than I originally planned.

Chapter Ten: The Marauder's Map

>*Snort* considering Harry’s attitude towards Trelawney and subject she teaches, him fretting over "the Grim" is amusing. Though I would love to read a fic where he really is stalked by Grimm. Would make good horror short story.

>Huh, I wonder if the real reason for Harry’s fainting spells is panicked Harrycrux trying to take over and run away from Dementors

>Bah, it’s no wonder Severus took 50 points for Ron tossing crocodile heart at Draco. Not only he wasted (probably contaminated) a perfectly good ingredient, but also could potentially cause another potion accident if he missed his target.

>Eh, I probably should make here a joke about tossing away one’s heart, but my witty humour failed me. Sorry. +1 to FWBP

>Well, aren’t you lucky Remus? Majority of this class didn’t even bother to do their homework. Now all you have to do is discourage them from completing it!

>”The Dementors affect you worse than the others because there are horrors in your past that the others don’t have.’” What horrors? Abuse and disdain from relatives? Attempts at his life? Well, Neville has those in spades. Perhaps the deaths of his parents? I bet that a good chunk of student body lost either their parental units or close relative. Being in extremely close proximity to one of the Horcruxes? Step aside Potter, Ginny wants to have a word with you. The only uniquely Harry-experience I can think up is murdering teacher, but Harry wasn’t particularly shaken by Quirrell’s death. +1 to LOL

>I’m so tired of Remus feeding Harry’s ego.

>Honestly, I'm bit surprised it took Harry that long to look for a solution to his Dementor problem. I would think that after the train he would ask Hermione to hit the books for a possible solution. Still, he is ok with waiting for almost 2 months for the lessons? +1 to LOL

>I have a hard time believing that twins would give up such useful magical object just like that… I wonder if they somehow made a copy.

>Harry getting the Map really annoys me. Harry spend last few chapters bemoaning his Hogsmeade ban and instead of making him understand why he can’t go or having him find a way on his own, Jo just tosses at his lap yet another McGuffin. That is such lazy writing!

>Somehow I’m not surprised that eleven-year-old twins were already hardened enough criminals that upon seeing cabinet labelled “Confiscated and Highly Dangerous” they would steal whatever was in there. +2 to CC

>You would think that Hogwarts’ staff would know about ALL secret passages since they look like escape routes in case of siege or fire.

>After the last year, I would expect Harry to try to set the map on fire. But then again we already knew Harry’s priorities are somewhat screwed. +1 to LOL

>So Harry met with the twins on 3rd floor and opened secret passage on the same floor then slid on stone slide probably down to dungeons level. Question of today: how our reckless hero is going to climb over 3 floors worth of stone slide without Fawkes? +1 to DC

>Also what’s up with 3rd floor? In PS entrance to Gauntlet of Doom also was located on the 3rd floor. What kind of drugs did Rowena take when she was building/modifying this castle?

>Ugh, we get to see even more of WW’s sweets and I’m even more convinced I never want to taste them.

>I kind of agree with Hermione here, but for a slightly different reason. True, this map could help to catch Sirius, but it's also a huge security risk and threat towards the privacy of Hogwarts' denizens. And in the last book, we have already seen that dormitories aren't secured in any way against theft, so any more observant student might decide to liberate the map!

>Poor, poor people in Hogsmeade. First, they had to survive Marauders and twins, now they have to deal with nightly patrols from Dementors. +1 to DC

>Heh, as usual, Harry went adventuring completely unprepared. Not only he didn't take any warm clothes so he won't freeze off his ass, but also now has to hide under the table from his teachers because he didn't take his Invisibility Cloak. The third year of adventuring and you still make the most basic mistakes… That is F Mr Potter. Report after class for additional homework. +1 to LOL

>I just love how Ron And Hermione automatically hid Harry while he was gapping at teachers like idiot :P +1 to FWBP +1 to SP for Hermione

>”Four pints of mulled mead -“ Sweet maker, Hagrid it’s not a drinking contest. That is almost 2 litres of alcoholic drink.

>”All the same,’ demurred Fudge, ‘they are here to protect you all from something much worse ... we all know what Black’s capable of ...” hmm between one murderer and flock of discounted Nazguls, I think I have to disagree with this assertion. +1 to LOL

>Once again the dramatics of a scene is destroyed by remembering what Rowling wrote later. Here Albus sounds like a very proactive leader who has spies and plans and strategies… only later we learn that Severus pretty much came up to him and said "Yup, I did hear mumbly-jumbly and told Sauron, can you save my ex-best friend? Thanks!"

>Considering that Albus promoted calling the dark lord "Voldemort", I'm not surprised it was hard to hide from him while he was using taboo. Especially since Potters decided to be highly… intelligent and stay in the UK.

>Albus was losing the war to Tom and offered Potters to be their Secret Keeper so he could protect the Child of the Prophecy… I have to wonder, how long Potters would stay alive if they agreed to his proposition….

>Wait, wait, wait. In the next book Fudge is sure that Voldemort is dead- which considering all facts is reasonable. In this book, he spews the same baseless bullshit about Voldemort fleeing that Albus does. Which is a very bad political move- this is exactly kind of stuff your opponents will remind of voters.

>Drunk Hagrid is even worse at keeping secrets and opinions to himself than normally. Can you believe it?

>All things considered this info dump was rather well presented. By Rowling standards that is. Also, the cliff-hanger has a rather nice view on the sea :)

Crime Count: 2

Death Count: 2

Freud Would Be Proud: 2

Leap of Logic: 5

Uncovered: 0

Spell Count: Hermione:1

poa, author: chantaldormand, chapter commentary, chapter commentary: poa, prisoner of azkaban

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