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Comments 3

sunnyskywalker September 29 2019, 00:20:26 UTC
If only Harry had pretended to be Neville a little harder! It might have done him good.

I would say that the bus needs to build up a magical charge between jumps, but we really have no idea how it works.

The Dementors running Azkaban are a really good example of prison doing the opposite of reforming prisoners. Locking people up in a depressing environment is psychologically harmful? They might come out more dangerous than when they went in? Who would have guessed? And we know that not everyone in Azkaban is there for life, and some of them don't quit eating and starve to death. Imagine the recidivism rate! I would love to see a wizard looking at Muggle prison statistics and going, wait, their death rate and recidivism rates are both dramatically lower? I must find out what miracles they are performing! And the Muggle correctional personnel are like, no, these places are terrible, what is wrong with you people if you're that much worse ( ... )


chantaldormand September 29 2019, 16:24:22 UTC
I would love to see Harry getting eye-opener about how wizards treat people who are magical but do not have special status.

Honestly, at this point, we might as well create phonebooth shaped mobile portkey centre. Well, we could if it wasn't for potential accusations of intellectual property theft ;)

For all Albus making a production out of pardoning Snape and trying to give Draco way out, WW is very Old Testamental in their outlook on justice. Punishment is there to make the offender suffer and to make bystanders think twice before pulling a similar stunt.

Two words: evacuation paths. One by foot entrance and multiple Floo entrances are all well and good until you have an emergency and people start to panic.
A few weeks ago AC at our HQ caught on fire. People were either standing and watching the fire, trying to use elevators or running away in panic. It wasn't until one of our IT guys, who was passing by, spotted the situation that anyone did anything about the situation. And those are people who a few months ago did fire drill. ( ... )


sunnyskywalker September 30 2019, 13:38:49 UTC
Pffft, do wizards seem like the kind of people who would do emergency planning? Even in my Muggle building where we care about such things, the other organization we share it with got one of the doors into a hallway that leads to an exit door sealed off from people who work for mine--even if there's a fire. If we're trapped by that door, tough luck for us. Their security is more important, and we should be happy to die for that cause, I guess. So, I really doubt wizards would count the exits and plan ahead for an emergency evacuation. They never do fire drills or rampaging-monster evacuation drills at Hogwarts, either. We wouldn't want to cause a panic by suggesting anything could go wrong ( ... )


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