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aikaterini April 6 2018, 14:07:19 UTC
/Weasley twins pranked Ron by telling him bunch of nonsense about the sorting Ceremony ( ... )


chantaldormand April 7 2018, 17:11:14 UTC
/And apparently, Ron couldn't have just asked Percy, Bill, or Charlie because the Sorting Ceremony is supposed to be a secret...for some reason? Is is the same reason why none of the Weasleys told Ron about the Triwizard Tournament while Draco already knew all about it and taunted Ron over it? Or maybe not, since Hermione read "Hogwarts: A History," but apparently that book doesn't mention the Sorting Ceremony either, given that Hermione also has no idea what it is. /

It's mind-boggling, because in the Potterverse sorting pretty much decides your future.
Heck as I go through my notes right now, I'm coming to conclusion that it isn't just sorting that feels like initiation to fraternity/cult. Rowling's attitude towards truth is very cultish.

/When do we hear any Muggle-borns question Hogwarts throughout the series, aside from Hermione who ends up assimilating pretty well to the wizarding world?/

Our protagonist, who is paragon of all that is good, tends to avoid hanging out with commoners muggleborns, so I doubt that we could find ( ... )


aikaterini April 9 2018, 17:21:04 UTC
/But then Ron would "end" up in Slytherin and we can't have that ( ... )


chantaldormand April 9 2018, 17:46:43 UTC
/Do you mean Ron or Harry?/
He is the one who while looking into the Mirror sees himself as Prefect AND Captain of team; this indicates he has thirst to prove himself (unlike Harry). He also likes to play chess and while chess benefits more from good memory than wits, it suggests that at least in PS he has quite sharp mind.
He might not be happy in Slytherin, but he both fits characterwise and would be forced to develop as character. Well that and there would be delicious drama as you already mentioned. :)


vermouth1991 April 21 2018, 19:07:36 UTC
I wonder if there is any good ff where Durslays tried to exorcise Harry.

Escoger on ff dot net who's famous for their "What If? The Purgatory of Lily" once wrote a prompt about the Evans family trying to exorcise Lily.


chantaldormand April 7 2018, 17:11:20 UTC
/Good catch! I guess that they never used the map at night or during sleeping hours?/

I have hard time believing it. Twins are comfortable enough to catcall first year in middle of sorting, so I wouldn't put it past them to use the Map to peep on girls.
It gets even better when you try to imagine how Quirrell looks on Map :D
Twin1: Are they kissing??
Twin2: In middle of the Great Hall? I would never suspect our DADA teacher to have balls to do that! Who the heck is this Tom Riddle??


oryx_leucoryx April 9 2018, 15:46:25 UTC
My interpretation (worked out with Terri a while back) is that the twins saw Scabbers as Peter Pettigrew on the map for years (after all, he was Percy's rat before, and they certainly followed Percy on the map to avoid him telling on them to Molly) and figured out that was the rat's 'true' magical name. And they saw Tom Riddle on the map and decided it was the name of some really stinky animal Quirrell was keeping inside his turban.


chantaldormand April 9 2018, 16:02:33 UTC
I can't remember, but do animals even show up on the map? I always thought that it only showed persons ex: ghosts, animagi, people under enchantments etc.
If it works on animals then it should show the Basilisk.
Also both 'Peter Pettigrew' and 'Tom Riddle' sounds like human names, even by WW standarts.


oryx_leucoryx April 9 2018, 23:43:22 UTC
Mrs Norris shows up on the map in POA. (And that too sounds like a human name. I think fandom had all kinds of speculations about her true identity.)


chantaldormand April 10 2018, 12:45:01 UTC
It seems you have all bases covered, so this is the moment I say "Hats off, gentlemen!" :)


oryx_leucoryx April 11 2018, 22:06:10 UTC
To expand a bit more:

Regarding Peter, since he was an adult wizard, his rat form should also be an adult rat, so the twins wouldn't be surprised that the rat Percy found might have been previously owned by some other wizard and said wizard properly named the rat (whatever needs to be done to convince the map). And considering how little Ron (or the twins for that matter) know about the first VoldieWar I doubt they'd recognize the name Peter Pettigrew as the name of the poor war hero that attempted to tackle Sirius the traitor and got killed.

Regarding Tom, notice that during Christmas the twins toss snowballs at Quirrell's turban. It might be a simple prank towards the weak-appearing teacher, but then perhaps they were trying to get 'Tom Riddle' to show himself, whoever that might be. And since they had the map since their first year they knew that before his trip to Albania Quirrell was not accompanied by Tom Riddle.


chantaldormand April 11 2018, 22:14:18 UTC
/And considering how little Ron (or the twins for that matter) know about the first VoldieWar I doubt they'd recognize the name Peter Pettigrew as the name of the poor war hero that attempted to tackle Sirius the traitor and got killed./

That works until PoA, but I'm not sure how much twins knew about Sirius-Peter drama during PoA.

As for snowballing Quirrell's turban; I took it as subtle foreshadowing from Rowling, because narrative is very neutral about twins tormenting a mild mannered (from Harry's perspective) professor.


oryx_leucoryx April 12 2018, 17:46:42 UTC
Yeah, I don't think Rowling even thought about the implications of her decision to have the twins owning the map for ~4 years before giving it to Harry on the plot at all. But if I come up with a pet theory about it (or I adopt anyone else's theory I like) I need to follow up on implications of said theory.

As for who knew what in POA - the adult Order members and teachers know (the official version), as do the Malfoys. The only student who seems to know anything before the reveal is Draco.


vermouth1991 April 21 2018, 19:09:24 UTC
Another thing we must keep in mind is that the Map as Jo devised it only shows dots for the positions of people/beings, not footprints like in the film version of PoA, which would be problematic because will animals show up as paw prints or something?


nx74defiant April 15 2018, 18:54:19 UTC
/Not a bad mind? Thirst to prove himself? Talent? Hat, are you sure you are not reading Horcrux instead of Potter’s brain? As matter of fact, wouldn’t the Hat be able to detect the soul fragment?/

Actually, that would be a very interesting idea. Especially since, as you noted, those qualities all describe Tom. Is this a sign that JKR hadn't planned the Horcruxes yet?

I remember seeing a theory that the Dementors bring out the memory of Lily's death because it is TOMs worst memory - his defeat. After all how well would Harry have remember what happened? Anyone remember anything that happened to them when they were less than 2 years old?


chantaldormand April 15 2018, 19:07:40 UTC
Actually if I remember correctly it's almost impossible to remember things from that age because how child's brain works at that age. To remember in long-term information, human brain needs to attach emotions to signals it receives. At age 1-2 years children learn how process colours, objects etc. and still has problems with attaching emotion to image; so I doubt that Harry could remember it.


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