Indestructible - Poll results

Aug 19, 2015 19:22

All right, I've closed the poll and it looks like we've got a 6-4 majority in favor of dealing with the miscellaneous bits first and then going back to an in-depth look at Severus himself. So I should be posting something for that fairly soon - I'm working on writing it up now. Thanks for voting!

I've got some of the Severus material laid out as well, so I can post that as it gets done piece by piece. It's all just ridiculously tangled up in a big ball, is the problem, and there are many threads to trace. Particularly once we start dealing with his relationship to Voldemort. (It's quite interesting to go back and re-read the scenes in which they interact directly, few though they are, and look at all the details carefully.)

Not, of course, that I could ever wish for Severus to not be so beautifully complex. It just takes a little time to uncover all his secrets.

He wouldn't have it any other way, of course.


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