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Comments 6

jana_ch June 30 2015, 03:27:19 UTC
Gimmicky cakes never go out of style. When I was in my late twenties and a grad student in Geography at the University of Washington, my mother sent me two dome-shaped cakes for my birthday, one frosted like the Northern Hemisphere and one like the Southern Hemisphere. It was a tradition in my family that each of us three kids would tell Mom what we wanted our birthday cake to look like, and somehow she always managed to make them. A Siamese Cat. A Corvette Stingray. A saxophone. A mountain range with skiiers, a ski lift, and a lodge. The Earth was quite simple by comparison. I’m certain she could have done a Snitch, though being a muggle cake, it would have to be a hemisphere, not a sphere.

What I want to know is whether Molly made gimmicky cakes for all her own children, or just for Harry. Seven crazy cakes a year (or six if the twins get one for the pair of them) is bigger job than three. Why is it I suspect that it’s Ron, not Ginny, who gets shorted a cake?


oryx_leucoryx June 30 2015, 17:20:24 UTC
Ron gets a badly made crazy cake with a theme he dislikes or one that makes him awkward. I bet sometime after POA he got a rat-themed one.


hwyla June 30 2015, 08:39:24 UTC
I gad forgotten the gifts Harry got from his friends. Bit surprised about Hermione's 'Sneakascope'. After all, Ron gave him one just before 3rd year.

Note that it 'went off' just fine around Scabbers and then we never hear of it again, Not a peep from it over fakeMoody.

Likewise, we never hear of this sneakascope alerting Harry about Batilda nor about the proximity of Snatchers or DEs. Actually - you wouldn't want it alerting you regarding those Snatchers - it would give away your position in hiding,

Also, really a bit strange of Albus to assume he can leave Harry the Sword, when it doesn't even belong to him, but to the school. How can he leave something in a will, that isn't even his to give?


nx74defiant June 30 2015, 14:25:25 UTC
I didn't catch that about Harry already having a Sneakascope until you mentioned it, than I remembered it.

It only goes off when it helps the plot, not very consistent.

Also, really a bit strange of Albus to assume he can leave Harry the Sword, when it doesn't even belong to him, but to the school.

And we later learn the Goblins make things for wizards with the understanding that it goes back to the Goblins on that wizards death, so it should have been returned to the Goblins centuries ago. But wizards feel free to ignore that.

But I agree by Wizard standards the sword is school property, not Albus' personal property.


oryx_leucoryx June 30 2015, 17:17:59 UTC
I doubt Dumbles expected Harry to get the sword that easily, but he wanted Harry to know that Dumbles wanted him to have it.


nx74defiant July 1 2015, 02:57:57 UTC
Dumbledore would do that, leaving hints rather than actually telling Harry what he needed to know.


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