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Comments 20

oneandthetruth June 20 2015, 21:40:33 UTC
[The centaurs fire arrows into the air and the merpeople sing]

Centaurs: Alright, we’ve done our piece. Let’s go back into the woods where we can forget that horrible man ever existed.

Merpeople: That horrible man is gone! Let’s go back under the water and celebrate!

No doubt the merpeople were singing, "Ding, Dong, the [Wizard's] Dead." Since the magical people in this series are like stereotypical ugly Americans (arrogant, self-centered, and uncaring about foreign cultures or languages), they'd never know the difference.

Harry: Oh, no, no. This is something I’ve got to do by myself.

Hermione: Harry, be realistic. You’re a completely weak, useless wizard. You’ll need me to keep you on the straight and narrow and do your thinking for you.If only someone the narrative voice considers worth listening to (i.e., besides Snape) had actually said this in the books. Rowling seems not to have realized that everything Snape said about Harry being lazy, incompetent, excessively dependent on his friends, and succeeding only through luck ( ... )


nx74defiant June 21 2015, 04:48:00 UTC
[The centaurs fire arrows into the air and the merpeople sing]

For all the wizards know, the firing of arrows is what centaurs do to celebrate the death of an enemy.

both of them were ashamed of their heritage and so wanted to play up the bit that was magical and special!

But calling himself a Half-blood is not hiding the fact one of his parents is a muggle.

Harry: But if we’re not together, he’ll leave you alone, even though everyone knows that we were dating, your parents are members of the Order and known blood traitors, and your brother is my best friend. Because…

So true, it makes absolutely no sense for the DE not to grab Arthur and question him about Harry as soon as he set foot in the ministry.


oneandthetruth June 21 2015, 20:10:16 UTC
For all the wizards know, the firing of arrows is what centaurs do to celebrate the death of an enemy.

LOL, that's possible. I thought of what I'm sure Rowling intended me to: the 21-gun salute given at military funerals.


aikaterini June 20 2015, 23:53:46 UTC
/Harry: Well…yes…but…it’s Voldemort, see! I don’t want Voldemort to try to hurt you, and if we were together he would!/

Harry: But if we’re not together, he’ll leave you alone, even though everyone knows that we were dating, your parents are members of the Order and known blood traitors, and your brother is my best friend. Because…

/Harry: No way! That’s for Dumbledore and me to know and nobody else!/

Harry: Because making it so that only two people know important information is a surefire way to win a war!

/Instead I’ll be devoting all my time to hunting down those Horcruxes and destroying Voldemort!/

And many H/D fans thought, “Well, Draco certainly can’t go back to school next year either, so surely Draco and Harry will run into each other at some point and learn to work together! :D”

Oh, well. At least they got their Broom Flight of Love. ;)


sweettalkeress June 21 2015, 01:30:56 UTC
I've actually begun to warm up to the idea of H/D recently, mostly because I'm sick of seeing Draco treated as a prop both in and out of canon.


jana_ch June 21 2015, 02:40:57 UTC
Better Drarry than Snarry.


snapes_witch June 21 2015, 04:27:53 UTC
God yes!!


nx74defiant June 27 2015, 01:00:02 UTC
Harry: For what it’s worth, Ginny, I still agree with you that Fleur is a stupid, ugly slut!

Ginny: Oh, good! We truly are made for each other!

Yes, a prefect match. Two jealous, immature little brats.


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