Revisiting meta about Draco...

May 08, 2015 20:50

Did anyone else pick up on just how much Rowling's commentary about Draco seems to infantilize him? I'm totally serious--the way she writes about him he seems to be only slightly more mature and proactive than Harry! Look at the way she phrases things:

"Much of Draco's behavior at school was modeled on the most impressive person he knew--his father--and he faithfully copied Lucius's cold and contemputous manner toward everyone outside his inner circle.


However, Malfoy had his own moments of humiliation at Harry's hands....


Much as the Death Eaters disliked Harry as an obstacle and as a symbol, he was discussed seriously as an adversary, whereas Draco was still relegated to the status of schoolboy by Death Eaters who met at his parents' house.


At this early stage [of joining the Death Eaters]...Draco barely comprehended what he was being asked to do.


Even so, he could not free himself from his conditioning: he repeatedly refused the assistance of Severus Snape, because he was afraid that Snape would try to steal his 'glory.'


Even when faced with a weak and wandless Dumbledore, Draco found himself unable to deliver the coup de grace because, in spite of himself, he was touched by Dumbledore's kindness and pity for his would-be killer....Dumbledore was, indeed, killed [by something Draco caused]--though not by Draco's hand. [Rowling then explains that Snape lied and covered Draco's reluctance to kill Dumbledore to Voldemort].


Draco survived Voldemort's siege of Hogwarts because Harry and Ron saved his life."

And from Rowling's extra notes:

"Draco never realizes that he becomes, for the best part of a year, the true owner of the Elder Wand.
I pity Draco, just as I feel sorry for Dudley." (But, crucially, to "pity" someone is not the same as giving them true sympathy)

I just think it seems like a pattern, you know? Are there any other characters she does this to? Or is Draco a special case?

meta, author: sweettalkeress, draco malfoy, the author is dead, characterization

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