Harry Potter Abridged! OotP Chapter 36

Mar 17, 2015 22:57

Harry: So…does this mean Sirius is dead? He’s really gone for good?

Lupin: Yes, it does.


Lupin: That’s just the grief talking. Or rather, capslocking.


Lupin: Because you’re the main character and therefore you’ll pull through.

Neville: Say, Harry, just who was that man?

Harry: It’s none of your business, Navel!

Neville: [Buries face in hands] You’re hopeless.

Lupin: Now that you’re here, where are the others?

Neville: Well Hermione’s unconscious somehow, and Ron’s slowly being throttled by an evil brain, but other than that, I think they’re alright!

[Just then, Bellatrix comes in, dueling Kingsley!]

Harry: IT’S HER! SHE KILLED SIRIUS! NOW SHE MUST PAY! [Looses himself from Lupin’s grip]

Lupin: This is not going to end well.

[Harry chases Bellatrix into the room with the brains]

Bellatrix: You honestly think you can challenge me? That’s a laugh.

[She casts a spell that smashes the case with the brains, and they begin to swarm around Harry]

Harry: Ooh! Will they make me smarter?

[They start attempting to grab him]

Harry: …Never mind....

[He picks himself up and runs after Bellatrix again, this time catching an elevator that takes him up to the main floor]

Harry: Well at least I’m rid of all that weird and creepy stuff down below! Hopefully this fight will be a bit more normal from now on!

[He finds Bellatrix waiting for him]

Bellatrix: Surprise!

Harry: Aha! I’ve got you now!

Bellatrix: Oh, really?

[She aims another spell at Harry, forcing him to duck behind the statue in the fountain]

Bellatrix: You honestly think you can hide from me behind that thing?

Harry: No. But I know I can make you suffer! Crucio!

Bellatrix: Ha! That power does not work on me because I can tell you don’t really mean it! You have to mean to cause pain, see!

Harry: Oh, really! I’ll keep that in mind for next time.

Bellatrix: Wait…you’re still considering using this most evil of curses that can drive its victims insane?

Harry: Maybe. Maybe not.

Bellatrix: …Never mind. Here, I’ll show you how it’s done! Crucio!

[Harry is just able to duck behind the statue, causing Bellatrix to blow the centaur’s arm off instead]

Bellatrix: Huh. I didn’t know it could do that. No matter! I’m still much stronger than you are! I could kill you any time I want!

Harry: Oh, no you couldn’t! You’ve underestimated me! Stupefy!

Bellatrix: Protego!

[This time, the goblin loses an ear]

Harry: What? How can these spells that have nothing to do with blowing up inanimate objects blow up inanimate objects in this way?!

Bellatrix: I’m as confused by it as you are. Oh, well! Give me the prophecy and I might even spare your life. Maybe!

Harry: Oh, that prophecy? It’s been destroyed.

Bellatrix: What?

Harry: It smashed in the last chapter.

Bellatrix: No! How could it?!

Harry: It did!


Harry: Ow! You capslocking is giving me a headache! Oh, wait, that’s my scar.

Voldemort: Lord Voldemort has arrived! Bwahahahaha!

Harry and Bellatrix: WHAT?!

Bellatrix: Master, I’m so sorry the prophecy was smashed!

Voldemort: Whatever. Now that you have brought Harry Potter to me, it will be simple for me to finish him off! Avada Kedavra!

[But before the attack can hit Harry, one of the statues jumps in front of him, and the spell cannot penetrate it]

Harry: Hooray! Now the inanimate objects in the setting are coming to my rescue because I’m just that awesome!

Voldemort: I can’t believe I’m being foiled by a broken-down statue! Me!

Dumbledore: Hello Tom Rid!

Voldemort: Oh, it’s you. That explains it. And my name is not Tom Rid!

Dumbledore: Well it used to be. Doesn’t that mean anything to you?

Voldemort: That’s Tom Riddle to you, and anyway I no longer go by that name! Or have you honestly forgotten that?

Dumbledore: Whatever, Tommy. Run along home if you want to avoid getting arrested by the aurors.

Voldemort: Run away?! From you?! I don’t think so! Avada Kedavra!

[Dumbledore is able to evade the curse, which instead sets a desk behind him on fire]

Voldemort: WHAT?! How in the hell could this super-powerful killing curse miss its target?!

Dumbledore: Don’t take it personally, Tiny Tom, I’m just so awesome I bend the rules of the universe around my amazing specialness.

Voldemort: Aaaargh you are so infuriating!

Dumbledore: I know. It’s my best quality. [He aims a spell at Voldemort, but Voldemort easily deflects it]

Voldemort: That was pathetic! Why won’t you attempt to use the killing curse on me? Are you too noble?

Dumbledore: It’s not that I’m too noble, it’s just that there are other ways of destroying you that are even better!

Voldemort: Oh, yeah? Like what?

Dumbledore: I’m not going to tell you that-if I did it would spoil the fun!

Voldemort: Well…two can play at that game, you know! I’ve invented so many horrible ways of killing people--!

Dumbledore: Whoever said anything about killing?

Voldemort: Ah…didn’t you say you were going to destroy me?

Dumbledore: Well yes, but not kill you.

Voldemort: What could be worse than killing me, though?

Dumbledore: There are worse things than death.

Voldemort: Oh, yeah? Like what?! …Wait a minute, why are we having a philosophical discussion when we’re supposed to be fighting?! Take this! Avada Kedavra!

[This time his attack’s blocked by the centaur statue]

Voldemort: These damn statues!

[Dumbledore creates a fiery rope with his wand, which Voldemort transforms into a snake]

Voldemort: While you’re distracted…Avada Kedavra!

Fawkes: To the rescue! [Eats Voldemort’s spell]

Voldemort: That damn bird! Dumbledore, it’s not a fair fight unless you face me one on one, brawn against brawn!

Dumbledore: It’s not my fault you’ve got no friends to hide behind!

[He encases Voldemort in the fountain’s water, but unfortunately Harry’s scar is getting worse, and he feels like he’s bound to a snake]

Harry: Oh, to shed my skin like this snake and swim in the dark void beyond….

[But just then…]

Harry: Is…is it over? Am I back to reality?

Dumbledore: Yes, everything’s alright now.

Harry: Hooray! My angel has saved me again!

Dumbledore: Yes, I did. And don’t you forget it.

[Many other witches and wizards enter, including Cornelius Fudge]

Fudge: Dumbledore, Dumbledore, is it true that You-Know-Who was here?

Dumbledore: Yes, yes it is. You’ll also find several of his followers being detained downstairs.

Fudge: I see. Well, that matters little. You, sir, are a fugitive, and thus I will have to take you in.

Dumbledore: As if your men could defeat me. Honestly, haven’t I proven that I’m too awesome to detain?

Fudge: Fair point. But…what exactly happened here? And what the hell is Harry Potter doing here at a time like this?!

Dumbledore: I will explain it all later. In the meantime, Harry, have an unauthorized portkey that you can use you return to school!

Harry: Wow, you’re the best, Dumbledore!

Fudge: But that’s illegal!

Dumbledore: Yeah, whatever. By the way, get that evil woman Umbridge out of my school.

Fudge: Of course…anything!

Harry: Wow, Dumbledore! You really are my savior!

Dumbledore: Why are you still here? Get back to school already!

Harry: …Alright, then.

[Harry teleports back to Hogwarts]

abridged: ootp, unforgivable curses, bellatrix lestrange, author: sweettalkeress, abridged, albus dumbledore, voldemort, humor, morality

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