Harry Potter Abridged! OotP Chapter 30

Feb 12, 2015 22:39

[Following the departure of Fred and George, all the other students start thinking up new ways to make Umbridge miserable]

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abridged: ootp, centaurs, dolores umbridge, bigotry, likely stories, hagrid, broken aesop, author: sweettalkeress, family, abridged, humor, prejudice, secrets and lies

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Re: Dumbledore’s Slave hwyla February 14 2015, 18:03:10 UTC
Yes - that's what I find interesting.

Of course, the Hogwarts House Elves are also 'slaves' to Albus or at least Hogwarts - same as Firenze. My bet is it's simply because Firenze is teaching, instead of manual labor.

As a teacher, Hermione probably assumes Firenze is being paid, But what use does Firenze have for cash? He certainly didn't need any in the forest. We have no idea whether Albus is paying him in anything other than room and board. He probably is, but Hermione doesn't KNOW. And if the centaurs say he's a slave, then she ought to at least wonder.

For that matter, house elves get room and board, even if they aren't 'free'

Also interesting to me - the wizarding world deals with several sentient species other than humans, yet Hogwarts doesn't do anything to teach students about them unless they are considered 'dangerous'. Even then, it's only how to protect the human - nothing about understanding.

I'm not sure, the students are even taught that much. Where would it be taught? Care of Magical Creatures? Come to think about it, the Centaurs prefer to be considered 'beasts', They should at least be on the CoMC syllabus. Goblins are apparently only mentioned in History in regards to wars. Giants never come up, nor Mermen.


Re: Dumbledore’s Slave oryx_leucoryx February 14 2015, 20:12:21 UTC
There is also mention of giant wars.


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