Death's own cloak

Dec 17, 2013 20:22

The cloak has always seemed the odd Hallow out. It makes you invisible, but no more invisible than any other invisibility cloak. Dumbledore said vaguely that the cloak could "protect" anyone under it, but we see that you can easily be Petrified while under the cloak, and so presumably other curses won't have any trouble getting through either. Its ( Read more... )

unforgivable curses, death, magical artifacts, magical theory, invisibility cloak, author: sunnyskywalker, hallows

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Comments 12

duniazade December 18 2013, 17:16:30 UTC
That's a brilliant interpretation!

It gives me a lot of plot bunnies. :D


annoni_no January 2 2014, 06:38:08 UTC
To take this speculation one step further, maybe you can't die at all as long as you're wearing the cloak, no matter how grievously you're injured. For example, if hit with a curse that caused your heart to explode in your chest, your soul would still remain bound to your body and in the physical world until the cloak was removed, so you'd still be technically 'alive' in some metaphysical sense ( ... )


annoni_no January 2 2014, 11:43:06 UTC
A second thought on what it means for the uniter of the Hallows to be The Master of Death, Death's Equal, and, by Albus' interpretation, Immortal ( ... )


sunnyskywalker January 8 2014, 04:48:07 UTC
Oh, I like this! The cloak > Grim Reaper connection is excellent!

If the Master of Death doesn't use the wand only for killing, he could probably cast some soul-sucking curses, and we'd get a kind of ur-dementor in there too. Or can the Stone not just return departed shades -- apparently -- but suck a shade right out of a living person, if you know how to use it? Maybe you can only unlock that feature once you have all three...

So many excellent possibilities could come from this.


annoni_no January 11 2014, 02:59:47 UTC
Are we assuming the shades are real souls - who somehow are unanimous in their 'Yay! Let's all commit suicide!' philosophy - or are they some sort of demon disguising themselves as the dearly departed specifically to better tempt the user into suicide?


oneandthetruth January 12 2014, 00:30:19 UTC
Maybe what they are is not either one, but a kind of holographic, interactive program designed to look like a given person's loved ones, but programmed to say things that will make death look attractive and/or encourage a person to die/commit suicide. After all, if the stone belonged to Death, of course whatever it produces is going to make death look good. Since Death is a supernatural being, it could have had access for centuries to technology humans have only recently invented.


His brother Grievous Bodily Harm terri_testing October 3 2015, 02:24:01 UTC
and their cousin Ouch that Stings!

Have I mentioned recently how much I love the way you LOOK at things?

And the whole is very thought-provoking.


Re: His brother Grievous Bodily Harm sunnyskywalker October 6 2015, 02:32:45 UTC
Why thank you! :-)


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