Death's own cloak

Dec 17, 2013 20:22

The cloak has always seemed the odd Hallow out. It makes you invisible, but no more invisible than any other invisibility cloak. Dumbledore said vaguely that the cloak could "protect" anyone under it, but we see that you can easily be Petrified while under the cloak, and so presumably other curses won't have any trouble getting through either. Its ( Read more... )

unforgivable curses, death, magical artifacts, magical theory, invisibility cloak, author: sunnyskywalker, hallows

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annoni_no January 2 2014, 06:38:08 UTC
To take this speculation one step further, maybe you can't die at all as long as you're wearing the cloak, no matter how grievously you're injured. For example, if hit with a curse that caused your heart to explode in your chest, your soul would still remain bound to your body and in the physical world until the cloak was removed, so you'd still be technically 'alive' in some metaphysical sense.

Hmm. The legend also says that the third brother *chose* to remove the cloak and embrace death. Maybe as long as you're not hit with a spell or injury that paralyzes or inhibits you (eg limbs removed or transfigured into something useless), you'll still maintain some degree of autonomous motion even if otherwise mortally injured. If so, the cloak would turn you into some kind of ensouled zombie (would you begin to rot under the cloak if your body could no longer function but your soul was still present?). You might not die, but you'd really wish you could. And there's a very simple way to achieve that....

I think we may have another booby here, just not one as obvious as the other two. There's a reason 'Death Takes a Holiday' stories are usually horror, after all... and if Death was truly furious at being thwarted in claiming the brothers, wouldn't a decent consolation prize be to have the 'wise' brother who continued to elude him eventually come begging to him for release?


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