Magical Magic Creature Spotlight: Plimpy

Jan 16, 2013 21:18

MOM Classification: XXX

The Plimpy is a spherical fish that walks on legs rather than swimming with conventional fins. It lives in deep lakes and mostly feeds on water snails. merpeople consider it a pest and will tie its legs together if they catch it, which causes it to lose the ability to steer and float away.

My big question is, just why would the merpeople consider it a pest? It isn't a dangerous animal-no more so than any other fish. Does it eat their crops? If it prefers to eat snails it seems like it might actually be helpful to the crops, because freshwater snails tend to be herbivores. Does it eat the same snails as the merpeople do?

Or are the merpeople just like the wizards in that they think any animal that isn't flashy or immediately useful is a pest by default?

In any event, when Harry and co. went to visit Luna's dad in Book 7, he mentioned Luna making Plimpy soup. We never learn if that's really something the two of them have ever tried.

author: sweettalkeress, fantastic beasts

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