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tdotm February 19 2010, 23:08:17 UTC
---“Not that this great broom will in any way give Harry an unearned advantage over any other Seeker, of course. Our brooms, like our choices, simply show who we are.”

I started to lose interest well before the end of the series, but does Harry end up as the best Seeker Hogwarts had ever seen? I remember he was the *youngest* (and best for someone so young) which was fair enough as I liked him in the early books. I’m desperately hoping that his banning in OotP and absenteeism in DH means that Charlie had a better record as a Seeker overall. Charlie was the least developed Weasley and therefore unspoilt. If Harry was the ever-so-bestest *as well* overall, not just for his age, but didn’t take it up professionally because of his duty to his community and his vocation as a law enforcement genius, I swear I’ll spit...

---“Nice foreshadowing of Hermione’s take on the Sectumsempra issue.”

Not to mention her own tendency to apply permanent physical damage to people who crossed her . At least you could see Crookshanks coming, spitting and all. Hermione’s attacks were a lot more sly.

---“It’s amazing the way that if you look back at past books, Peter’s true personality is actually clear in Scabbers and Barty Crouch’s true personality is clear in Fake!Moody…yet the fantastical Ginny of OotP and HBP remains completely hidden.”

Maybe in the late ‘90s, JKR felt that Harry’s scarred personality (no pun intended) needed a gentle and kind character, who’d shared a key part of his life that no-one else could understand (possession by Voldemort). She’d not only understand, but be able to encourage him out of his moods, rather than try to nag him out of them. However, as JKR’s relationship with WB developed, she realised what he really needed was a hideous c*w, who b*tched about the place, being unrealistically high achieving, yet physically perfect (in his opinion) that would attract the tween market. Harry’s abused past meant he’d probably need a lot of reassurance as a partner, so why create a character who was so arrogant, then expect us to believe she’d be so supportive? Ginny could have been *anyone* once she came out of her shell, sadly JKR chose to turn her into generic two-dimensional fan insert number 546832, as seen in any number of fan fics/Hollywood B movies/straight to video masterpieces.

---“George is revolted at the idea of being a Prefect, because it would take all the fun out of life, and Ginny giggles. I guess there’s our Big Clue to the firecracker within.”



madderbrad February 20 2010, 02:05:41 UTC
... and Ginny giggles. I guess there’s our Big Clue to the firecracker within.”


Hee. :-)

Ginny had it easy. No pressure, she could giggle and do what she liked in the first five books, knowing that she was going to be placed in the 'love interest who is AWESOMELY AWESOME befitting the hero' slot regardless of anything she might say or do (or even despite it).

Save your pity for our Hermione, who slogged away for seven hard years helping and protecting Harry. :-(


merrymelody February 20 2010, 17:29:19 UTC
Eh, if I was a Hermione fan, I'd be relieved she didn't suffer the hell of being married to Harry.
Sure, Ron's a loser in a lot of ways, but Hermione can control him, which is all she ever really wanted, anyway.


sistermagpie February 20 2010, 03:39:14 UTC
Given the way Quidditch is scored, I wouldn't be surprised if Harry could be the best Seeker ever without setting foot on the field all 7th year! Aren't we told that while Charlie Weasley had the best record Slytherin was still managing to be champion for all those years? (Gryffindor players seem to have an surprising record for churning out professionals. Charlie, Oliver, Ginny and therefore Harry all seem to be professional level.)


oryx_leucoryx February 20 2010, 03:56:42 UTC
Since there are 13 professional teams for such a small population, and players can only last so many years I bet all Houses churn out quite a few professional players. Makes one wonder how many Ministry workers are former Quidditch players. Because I can't see how you get enough people to both play Quidditch and do the work.


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