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eir_de_scania February 19 2010, 20:53:13 UTC
Gobstones squirt nasty-smelling liquid into the other player’s faces when they lose a point. Honestly, for all the claims of how great it is, the wizarding world mostly tastes and smells terrible all the time.

***Gobstones are a popular children's game in the wizworld. It says a lot about wizarding humour, really.

Harry also sees Neville, but doesn’t stop to chat. Shock.

***Wasn't Neville with his Granny? There's a woman you take a wide berth sround if ypu have any sense!

The twins also tried to shut Percy in a pyramid in Egypt. They’re so funny and awesome.

***They probably are, by wizarding standards. And by JKR's.

Harry thinks maybe Sirius should be afraid of Dumbledore since Voldemort was. Nope, one of Sirius’ most appealing qualities was that he wasn’t afraid of Dumbledore. Which is also pretty much why he spent his life in prison and then died young, really.

***Hear, hear!


madderbrad February 20 2010, 01:52:31 UTC
It says a lot about wizarding humour, really.

As does Harry, Hermione, Ron and others continually falling over themselves 'roaring with laughter' as Ginny, once boosted into the limelight, says bitter and means things about Fleur and Ron which we all know are riotously witty and funny from the response they garner.


sistermagpie February 20 2010, 03:30:03 UTC
The thing I will always love Sirius and Lupin for, especially in this book, is the way they totally screw things up for Dumbledore. For all the crap Lupin later gets, I love that he didn't tell Dumbledore about Sirius even though it was wildly irresponsible and Snape's right to say that. I think because I can't help but think that at least part of the reason for it is that Lupin is protecting the only friendships he ever had.


jodel_from_aol February 20 2010, 17:47:04 UTC
I think you're right about that. Lupin was just as much a hanger-on as Peter. Or worse, a "project".

Another unfired gun, btw, might be Florian Fortescue. She seems to have had a reason to have him apparently dragged off by DEs and never seen again in HBP, but that was another shoe that never dropped.


oryx_leucoryx February 20 2010, 20:07:44 UTC
It's another story she claims she couldn't fit in DH but will appear in the dreaded/much-awaited Scottish Book.


eri1980b February 22 2010, 09:31:40 UTC
Wasn't there a former headmaster with the surname Fortescue as well?


oryx_leucoryx February 22 2010, 15:37:26 UTC
Yes there was.


sunnyskywalker February 23 2010, 22:16:24 UTC
Florian knew a lot of history. Maybe he was supposed to have had a clue to the Ravenclaw backstory originally which was passed down through the family?

Or maybe there's something in that ice cream. Voldemort wants to know how he can eat all those sundaes without getting fat.


oryx_leucoryx February 23 2010, 20:26:44 UTC
I think because I can't help but think that at least part of the reason for it is that Lupin is protecting the only friendships he ever had.

So you think when he said he did it because he didn't want Dumbledore to know Remus had betrayed his trust all the time in his school years it was just a cover for loyalty to a friend who was believed to have become Voldemort's top servant, the betrayer of James and Lily and who might be after their son? Or do you think protecting the friendship with Sirius was a subconscious motive?


sistermagpie February 23 2010, 21:03:00 UTC
Subconscious motive. Remus only had a few years of his life that were really a life, it seems, and I like to think of him jealously guarding it even when he obviously shouldn't.


eri1980b February 24 2010, 07:33:56 UTC
I'd buy that. After all, for many years he must have believed that he was the only one left; it would make sense to treasure memories of the good times.


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