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oryx_leucoryx February 19 2010, 18:42:36 UTC
Btw, are hags yet another creature that aren’t fit for polite society from birth?

They are said to eat children, according to the introductory chapter of FB.

Harry also gets free sundaes every half an hour. Wow. Does he look a little more like Dudley by the end of the week or what?

Is he still wearing Dudley's trousers or does he have his own once he's away from the Dursleys?

LOL! There’s something wonderful about Harry reminding himself that it’s not like he’s ever lost a Quidditch match on his Nimbus 2000. He might as well have reminded himself that he never seems to lose at anything, really. To be fair, he hasn’t yet entered the TWT.

Or encountered Cedric. (That he remembers.)

Harry also sees Neville, but doesn’t stop to chat. Shock.Neville is just a forgetful boy who mislaid his booklist. Foreshadowing of the password list business. Also, Harry sees Gran, so when he sees the Granified-Boggart!Snape he would be able to make a comparison. And he doesn't want Augusta to hear of his impersonation stunt. (Though I think Augusta ( ... )


montavilla February 19 2010, 20:35:32 UTC
In English "big head" means arrogant. It comes from the idea of having a "swelled head" from absorbing tons of unearned flattery.


jodel_from_aol February 19 2010, 22:47:02 UTC
Like Percy has ever been observed to get any of that...


sistermagpie February 20 2010, 03:28:21 UTC
Yeah, that is a good distinction there. Percy's probably considered worse because he remains pompous with everyone, including his family, telling him he sucks.


oryx_leucoryx February 20 2010, 20:06:26 UTC
Percy was praised by Molly, and probably also his various teachers. But his siblings know opinions of teachers do not count and the twins worked on getting their mother on their side after leaving school.


horridporrid February 21 2010, 00:53:14 UTC
I always felt Molly loved the twins best. But Percy was the child she had the tightest control of, so she used him to try and control the others. And then despised him for it, just as everyone else did. (I read the Weasleys as so messed up it's not even funny. Or maybe it is a little. *g*)


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