Mar 15, 2008 13:43

name Catrina Kennedy Donnelly (Yes, Kennedy, like the Kennedy family -- get off this)
nickname(s) Cat, Kitty Cat
age Twenty-five
date of birth January 21, 1983
hometown Boston, Massachusetts

location Manhattan , New York; Currently living with Louise Ainhorn
occupation Forensic Scientist for the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in Manhattan

tale The Magician, Aladdin's Lamp, One Thousand and One Nights
ability Just as the Magician, she is able to practice spells and enchantments.
relation to tale Like the Magician, Catrina (and every other reincarnation of the Magician) has the ability to cast enchantments. But she does her best to not deal with her magic or anything. She has the most basic, but most powerful type of magic; the ability to cast spells and enchantments on people without any interferences or having to do it through something or only being able to practice it with a certain item. She has this constant urge for power and money, which some would call greed. She calls it ambition. And boy does she work for money, almost to the point where she is a workaholic, but she will never be satisfied with what she has and she can never satisfy this need to have more money because there is not enough in the world. She can be as sweet and sugary as she wants to be and it was this charm and cunning that was able to convince Aladdin's mother that he was Aladdin's long lost uncle, as well as convince Aladdin to go after the treasure in the cave.
tale status Catrina is not very open about her Tale. The people in her Tale know (as well as Velvet) but aside from that? Catrina doesn't enjoy telling people her tale. She tries to avoid the whole Tale exchanging thing. Catrina's past and her Tale reincarnation are very in sync. She's not very proud of her Tale, no matter how accurately her Tale portrays her personality now

personality Catrina's always been a grave, serious person. Even as a young child, she was a girl who didn't giggle or frolic around much. She liked to spend time locked up in her room doing God knows what. It was mostly practicing her newly found magic skills. She found the only person she could count on at times was herself. As she got older, she got more carefree and laidback. She had always been raised to block out emotions, being told that they were for the weak and for the useless. She became independent at the age of 12, maturing much more quickly then most kids her age.

She's always been a pessimist, ever since the disintegration of her engagement and probably even before that, she just didn't acknowledge it until then. She finds it hard to take people seriously and usually responds to people with cynical sarcasm. She just isn't a very pleasant person anymore and the once passionate and dedicated Catrina Donnelly died along with her ex-fiance's former self. She hates when people bitch and whine and complain about petty things going on in their lives when really? Life can definitely get worst, though she never uses herself as an example seeing as she's not really the type of person who likes to play up the sympathy card. She's sometimes only nice to people when she feels like she can get something out of them. Catrina's not a mean person and she doesn't pick on people for no reason, she just is cynical. She rarely, if ever, trusts people and feels like people are going to let her down so she'd rather just depend on herself and not set herself up for failure then depending on others and being let down. She will talk to people, yes, and even humor people she finds obnoxious (even these people get conversation absolutely loaded with sarcasm), but rarely does she actually show a smidgen of caring for them and if she ever does? It's certainly not done in a conventional way. Though there are certain people that she holds a certain weakness for that she doesn't like to talk about. These are the people who can certainly get to her. (Case in point, THE HARTWELLS)

The failure of her engagement jaded her and she's found that she doesn't want to give herself so much into any relationships, platonic or romantic. There's few people she actually trusts and even around them, she puts up a wall. There's a caring side of her deep deep down that doesn't come out at all anymore though. She has an awful temper, which can be attributed to her Irish roots. It doesn't take much to set her off but when she becomes angry, it's usually hard to get her to stop. She'll hold a grudge for days on end, choosing to dwell on a wrong someone did to her rather then just let it go. Catrina is a vindictive person. She never lets people get away with wronging her.

Diagnosed at a young age with a mild case of obsessive compulsive disorder, Catrina always feels the need to have perfection. In everything she does, she makes sure she does it cleanly and precisely and not. Truthfully, that's just her obsessive compulsive disorder kicking in. She has to do some things a certain way, though because her case is only mild, she doesn't get upset or distressed when she doesn't. She just prefers to do things a certain way. She still sees a psychologist though, because it makes her feel better about being a psychocase. Despite this, she's formal, methodical, disciplined and traditional, which is essential for what she does as a career. Catrina does everything by the book. She's also very suspicious and aloof. She hates not being in control of a situation especially under high stress which she often finds herself in.

Like the Magician, Catrina has a hunger for becoming more powerful, though she tends to suppress this urge in her. She always feels like the money she has isn't enough and it never will be. Catrina will never be satisfied with what she has, even if she becomes a millionaire someday. She can be as sweet as dripping honey and can be charming to people when she wants something out of them. She is able to cast spells and enchantments quite effortlessly and it's taken quite a large effort to keep it under control, especially with her vindictive nature and her temper. The blonde has never used her powers for evil necessarily but she will use it for her own advancement if she has to. She'd never had reason to use her powers against anybody in particular unless they've already done something to her to cause her to retaliate.

father Brody Donnelly
mother Nola Donnelly
siblings Cody (33), Moira (32), Keelan (A.K.A. Keeley) (31), Liam (30), Patrick (29), Neve (28), Quinn (27), Sabia (26), and Brody Jr. (20)
extended family Brea Donnelly (Married; Cody Donnelly), Connor and Nolan (Sons of Cody and Brea Donnelly, aged 3 and 4) David Fisher (Brother-in-Law)
(ex) fiance Matt Hartwell

history It was unfortunate that Catrina Kennedy was born a Donnelly. Of all the families she could've been born to, she was born into one who was heavily involved with the Irish Mafia. She didn't realize it at the time, but being born a Donnelly came with some grave consequences and some intricate twists of fate that would definitely change her life. Born to Brody and Nola Donnelly a quiet winter's morning on January 21, 1983, Catrina was born into a large family of that already had four boys and four girls, Catrina being the youngest at the time. All of her siblings were exactly one year apart, starting with Cody, Moira, Keelan, Liam , Patrick, Neve, Quinn, and Sabia. When Catrina came along, Brody and Nola expected her to be their last child, though her younger brother Brody Jr. was born five years after her, leading everyone in the family to believe he was an 'accident.'

She grew up quite comfortably and lived a sheltered life in South Boston, under the protection of the Irish mob, due to the majority of her family being heavily involved. Cat was more of an indoors type of person and she was very secretive and kept to herself for the most part. She found it hard to connect with most children, even her own siblings. It was this disconnect with other people that intrigued her uncle to further look into his niece and her "potential" to the family. At the time, Keane Donnelly was working under the former boss, James "Whitey" Bulger, leader of the Winter Hill Gang based in Boston after James "Buddy" McLean was shot and killed in the aftermath of the Irish Gang war and after Howie Winter was jailed in 1978. He had a high position in the Winter Hill Gang, being the right hand man of all three bosses so it was only natural that when Whitey fled Boston, Keane stepped up to take up the position of mob boss. Immediately establishing connections in Boston, as well as New York and with several other crime families, Keane branched out, keeping in touch with Whitey who was currently on the run from the FBI. Somehow he'd managed to keep the Winter Hill Gang continuously under the radar, as well as himself.

It was around the age of 12 that Catrina really link together her family's connections with the mafia. She'd been happily and blissfully ignorant to the Donnelly connections to the Winter Hill Gang. Her parents "owned" an antique shop in Boston that they worked at and her Uncle did .. well, she wasn't sure. Her father had told her Uncle Keane was a businessman. She never even entertained the thought that her uncle was the boss of the Winter Hill Gang. One day, she came home from school early. Not expecting anyone to be home or expect her to be, she went up to bed to nap. At around 2 o'clock, she heard some people coming into her house. First not thinking much of it, she tried to go back to sleep but the scuffling and muffled screams definitely peaked her interest. Peeking outside of her window, she saw one of her older cousins dragging a tied up man up the stairs. Clapping a hand over her mouth, she watched with wide eyes as the man was dragged up, followed by her dad, her uncle Keane and another of her uncles, who was kicking the guy in the head in an attempt to shut him up. They all filtered into her dad's office, leaving the door partially opened. Hiding around the corner near the stairs, she watched in horror as they first yelled something about their money and his business and that he owed them. The man frantically tried to plead for his life, but with a menacing smile, her uncle Keane told the man, "You don't fuck with the fam, Mr. Smith. Especially not the Donnelly's." A sickening pit grew in her stomach as she watched her uncle Alby pull out a silencer and hold it to the poor man's head. He pulled the trigger and she couldn't watch anymore, running down the stairs and out the house and just ... running. No one knew she witnessed that. It's an image that she could never pull from her head. Even at a young age, her uncle Keane seemed to show an extra fondness for her. She was definitely a strange child. But Keane Donnelly saw something in the young blonde that she wouldn't yet realize; that she was made to join the family.

At a young age, Catrina had always been strange. Days spent alone in her room were actually her first encounters with her magic. It had started first with her accidentally whispering some enchantment while she was being taunted in class for being the product of the Donnelly family. One muttered word under her breath and the boy went white in the face and fell over. Out of his mouth fell slugs and toads. She had no clue how that had happened or how she had done that. She didn't even know the words she'd said. She spent days, weeks and years stuck in her room just saying things and just like that-- bam! Magical things would happen. She kept this secret for years, not quite knowing for sure why this happened or for what reason. A year before she entered high school, she was approached by Velvet's predecessor from the Pen with a Compendium and the explanation that she was a reincarnation of a tale. And the Magician from One Thousand and One Nights to be exact. Personally, she was a little put off at her reincarnation. The only thing she really knew about Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp was what she knew from the Disney movie Aladdin and how completely stupid was the fact that she was basically the reincarnation of Jafar? She didn't care too much for it, really. So she went on with her life, not really being an active participant in the Fairy Tale community and letting her Compendium gather dust.

She went through high school relatively introverted. While she could be nice at times, the kids were all about school spirit and football and none of those things interested Catrina. She had a group of friends who were similar in nature to her though. She had a few boyfriends here and there. For the most part, people tended to fear her because of her last name. She spent most of it trying to hide the whole Tale thing. I mean, that was crazy and completely unbelievable, no matter how cool the Compendium was (yes, she'd taken a peek at it here and there) and she was especially fearful of accidentally casting a spell on someone. The words would just pop into her head and she didn't know what they meant but her anger would take over and they'd just come out of her mouth. She discovered over the next few years that she could make things move, open and close things, and so on and such. She'd been strongly warned by her Librarian that hexing people was not allowed and if she was caught, consequences would be put in place. Always one to follow the rules, Catrina was very careful in the public eye, but in private? She practiced all to her heart's desire, fully discovering her magic. And one day? Her uncle walked in on her moving a cabinet across the room, but she wasn't aware that he had seen her. To her, this was still her secret. But her Uncle pondered what his niece was capable of and one day, approached Cat about it.

"Kitty Cat, do you know who the Winter Hill Gang is?"

It was then and there that he tried to recruit 18-year old Catrina into the Mafia. He did it subtly and Catrina caught on almost immediately. She outright refused, even when he revealed that he knew about her powers. She loved her family but the memories of seeing her uncle ruthlessly shoot someone in the head haunted her and she didn't think of herself an appropriate candidate for being a murderer. Instead, she went on with her life. She didn't want anything to do with her magic or anything. She wanted to live her life as a non-Tale because all being the reincarnation of the Magician brought her was trouble. Despite her memories of seeing people ruthlessly shot and killed, Catrina found she had a fascination with forensics that really stemmed off of witnessing such horrific events and ended up going to Suffolk University in Boston majoring in Biochemistry with a concentration in Forensic Science. She remained at home for the first year or two, feeling it would be much safer as opposed to being out in the world bearing the last name Donnelly and not being associated with the Mafia. She was now aware (as was everyone else) that she was the only one in the family who wasn't in the Winter Hill Gang. Even her brothers and sisters had decided that that was their life and a few of them even resented Catrina for doing what they felt was turning her back on the rest of their family. Personally, Cat didn't want to live that life. They all felt like they didn't have a choice and while Catrina hadn't had a choice either, she'd made it anyways, thus opening herself up as a dangerous target for the Mafia and even enemies. She enjoyed college because it was bigger and she was able to disappear into the whole student population. No one pointed her out as "that Donnelly mafia girl."

She moved on and moved out of her parent's house, renting a cheap apartment in central Boston, and finishing up her last two years at Suffolk. And one day, she met someone. A really great guy named Matt Hartwell. One of the things that attracted her most to him was his drive. He knew what he wanted and one of those was to join the army and for some reason, the thought of him going off to Iraq didn't bother her so much. Perhaps it was because she was already used to killing and war and terror? She wasn't clingy, only supportive and she'd gone so long being serious and taught to mask her emotions that Matt became the only one she let her real emotions show. He saw the real Catrina, not the girl that everyone else saw. She even became close to his family, seeing them as her second family. It wasn't a surprise when the pair got engaged. No matter how much her parents didn't support them, she loved him and he was to be honest the one person who kept her focused on what she wanted to do. He knew her big family secret, swearing not to say anything to anyone. But before they could even begin to plan a wedding and their lives together, Matt was called to go away to Iraq. It was hard but expected and Catrina let him go and waited at home as a dutiful and faithful fiancee, writing him letters and sending him packages with all of her love infused into them. She ended up graduating college and working for the Boston Police Department in their forensics lab, becoming an outcast in her family for associating herself with an organization that was had some sort of vendetta against the Donnellys. And rightfully so! It took Catrina a lot of time to get the respect she thought she deserved.

A year or so went by and he still hadn't come back when she received some horrible news; that he was being discharged for a blast that took out the vision in one of his eyes. Catrina was devastated (though kept this to herself) and knew that this was a definite blow to him, knowing he'd spent his whole life wanting to go off to the army and now he was being discharged? She knew it would be a hard thing to cope with. Instead of coming back to Boston, Matt went home to New Hampshire and Catrina followed. She was absolutely shocked by the change in him when he came home. He was bitter and he drank and he often got violent and finally Catrina was unable to deal with it. She knew love and marriage was for better or for worst but it was natural instinct that made her take the easy way out and leave. There was no more talk of the wedding and Catrina wasn't happy anymore. Where was the Matt Hartwell she'd fallen in love with, the one person who made her want to feel real emotions? He was gone, replaced with this bitter, war-torn person. All they did was argue or he would occasionally break-down and she'd find him crying in a bathroom. She spent hours cleaning up empty bottles and trying to get him to a bed so he could sleep off that day's alcohol with Janelle, his sister and Catrina finally one day looked at her life and realized she didn't want to do this anymore. She'd stayed, hoping the guy she loved would come back and she would fall in love all over again and she could go back to planning her life with this man. But that was all wishful thinking. It didn't happen and it seemed like it wasn't going to happen ever. Day after day, she felt her desire to be his wife start to wane and one day, one of the few days they hadn't fought and he wasn't drunk, she sat him down and she returned the engagement ring he'd given her so long ago. And then she left his life, never to come back.

She was bitter by the failure of the marriage that could have been with the only man she loved. She never wanted to date again, feeling as if she'd lost her chance and she'd never love anyone anymore. Catrina became even more closed off and made a complete disconnect from her emotions, feeling like they were useless and they only hurt you. She left New Hampshire from where she had been staying with Matt and his family and moved to New York so she could get away from everyone; her family, Matt, the Hartwells. She wanted to completely sever all ties with her past and she especially was bitter to her Tale. What could magic do for her life? Nothing. So she refused to use it anymore or even think about it. She wanted to live life like a normal person but she found that moving to New York, she couldn't hide from her Tale forever. Using her connections with the Boston Police Department, she managed to secure a job with the Office of Chief Medical Examiner in Manhattan, sharing an apartment with Louise Einhorn who was one of the first Fairy Tales she met in New York and actually liked. Louise is one of the few people Cat actually like likes and she got Cat to a point where she could tolerate the Pentamarone/Atheneum/being a Fairy Tale idea. She's often the go-between for the NYPD and the Office of Chief Medical Examiner and is rather well-known around NYPD as the "girl from the OCME."

appearance Five foot two (and a half, thank you very much), weighing in at the petite height of 110 pounds. Piercing blue eyes. Blonde hair. Dresses formally.
played-by Emilie de Ravin

status Single
sexual preference Heterosexual
turn-ons Drive. Determination. A steady income.
turn-offs No job.

past reincarnations
- Houdini

"prophecy" remy zero
"headstrong" trapt
"pain" jimmy eat world
"vienna" the fray
"good enough" evanescence
"the kill" 30 seconds to mars
"way away" yellowcard
"this modern love" bloc party
"you could be happy" snow patrol

player Joy expectance
disclaimer Do not own either The Magician from One Thousand and One Nights, or Emilie de Ravin. Join fairlytales!
credit Profile code ganked from sheyrena, and modified by cygnettes, WITH MUCH LOVE AND THANKS. Icons used in comments and entries made by robins, iconsbytink, wonderfalls, soconvinced and starboard @ IJ.

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