Battle of Day & Night: Role of the Twins, Yylfordt & Szayel; Nnoitora & Telsa, Grimmjow
WARNING: Not responsible for what you see and read
Seeing double of everything... Everything will eventually lead up to Inoue Orihime
Twins represent the dualistic nature of the universe, pretty much represented by the Tao: Yin-Yang motif; the tension or balance between paired or opposing forces (Shinigami vs. Arrancar, Black vs. White, Night vs. Day). One the mythology,
Nummo, twinship represents completeness and perfection; male and female because the creation of the world required a sacrifice, humans can only be one half of the whole, male or female. Twins are often partners on quests, example Chad who share dualistic nature like Ichigo and Ishida, who is simply on a quest to understand more about himself. As is Ichigo and Ishida themselves, breaking the boundaries each journey they have encountered.
Twins play an important role particularly in Bleach as we seem to see more than a handful of twin association with Szayel Aporro who seem to have double of everything, including his two loyal fraccion, Lumina and Verona who are twins themselves. Like seeing double of other characters like Grimmjow and Luppi (
Two Goats & Dog, Szayel's Soul) who portrayed themselves as
Romulus and Remus. In the previous flash back in Chapter 294 - 295, Szayel Aporro and Telsa looking like Apollo and Artemis, and his own association with his older brother Yylfordt who are twins by blood and last name, which make them Gemini Twins (
Caster and Pollux, Ichigo as the White Horse abducted by them) in their own right consider how they behave or very similar, but holding their weapons opposite of each other; their strong bond with one another.
Twins in Mythology are cast as two halves as a whole, sharing a bond deeper than that of ordinary siblings, or otherwise shown as fierce rivals; itself can also be a doppelganger the other aspect of the self known as the evil twin; one may be human and one semi-divine. Twins can be a brother, soul-mates or blood brothers. For example, Cirucci Thunderwitch who is another aspect of Szayel Aporro but portrayed as a female counterpart but related to each other; whereas, Ishida Uryuu would be portrayed as a male counterpart, but not related at all. In this case, Pessche who keeps calling Ishida Uryuu as Kuroaski Ichigo because the two are similar in terms of personality or opposites. Example, Mayuri and Szayel Aporro who are both scientist and share the same antics that represents Good vs. Evil but the lines become blurred when the forces are working together when sharing the same goals and objectives.
Yylfordt is known as Horus the Elder and Szayel is known as Horus the Younger. A deity who later become one in recent Heuco Mundo Arc. Yylfordt is known as
Khnemu; he was depicted Horns of Bull with a crown of plumes, uraei, disks, etc floating above. His symbol was the flat-horned ram and was depicted as a ram-headed man who wears the White Crown on his head. Yylfordt's release translates Del Toro translates in Spanish as Of The Bull, and in Japanese as Pale-Horned Prince. Originally he was represented as the daytime phase or aspect of Horus, the Face of Heaven with Set, the nighttime phase, being his twin. He was also identified with Shu, Amen-ur (Amen the Elder), and several other gods who were seen as either gods of light, gods of the rising sun, or gods associated with these gods. Szayel Aporro is known as Horus the Younger to the Greeks; he is represented in the form of a youth wearing a lock of hair (a sign of youth) on the right side of his head. In addition, he usually wears the united crowns of Egypt, but sometimes a triple crown with feathers and disks or a disk with plumes. He is a form of the rising sun, representing its earliest light. It also said that there are 7 forms of Horus the Younger.
From the occult perspective as Horus, the Crowned and Conquering Child (Szayel Aporro):
It is a little child covered with lilies and roses. He is supported by countless myriads of Archangels. The Archangels are all the same colourless brilliance, and every one of them is blind. Below the Archangels again are many, many other legions, and so on far below, so far that the eye cannot pierce. And on his forehead, and on his heart, and in his hand, is the secret sigil of the Beast. (fn: Sun and moon conjoined) And of all this the glory is so great that all the spiritual senses fail, and their reflections in the body fail.(...)This child danceth not, but it is because he is the soul of the two dances, --- the right hand and the left hand, and in him they are one dance, the dance without motion.
Yylfordt is right handed and Szayel is left handed. Szayel uses his right brain more for creativity (like a scientist who never runs out of ideas) and Yylfordt uses his left brain more for logic (once a prince who create balance among his kingdom). Both of them are bull headed either way in terms of strength and thinking, but they fight with plan first before attacking. Renji is the biggest loser in the world fighting both of them at various times. Yylfordt is daytime (Morning Sun) and Szayel is nighttime (Early Sun) who is his twin with Aizen. These two are evidently Jupiter (Zeus) and Saturn (Kronos), which Szayel overthrew his older brother (literally).
Szayel Aporro released Fornicarás translated as Will Fornicate in Spanish and Lewd Concubine in Japanese; this explains why he has been connecting, linking himself one person, whoring or another, which it makes him an bisexual by default. From Chapter 201 to 209 following the Greek Myth,
Titan, Yylfordt been speaking through his younger brother (strength), Szayel to Renji (Yes, he is a trickster of his own, a dumb one, but still a trickster) as an Omnipotent of Grimmjow, Ichigo and Uliquirora. Where Renji been speaking as if he is Unknown, the Unknown and Omnipotent being Szayel the Baboon King... In Heuco Mundo, evidently, the pieces fall into play as Szayel Aporro had Predicted before the event happened the minute when Nnoitora was about to kill Grimmjow, Ichigo came to his rescue while Orihime remain on the sidelines with Telsa wondering where the missing Arrancar went missing, Neliel Tu.
Szayel: Yylfordt Granz is my older brother
Renji: That Guy (That means brought to light, comeforth)
Szayel: Oh my. You actually remembered such a trash like him
(Speaking like Uliquiorra, but referring to Grimmjow)
Renji: From the way, you are talking... It doesn't look like you want to take revenge for his death.
Szayel: Hah... Only an idiot would. You really think I targeted you because of that?
(Referring to Ichigo who evidently ends up saving Grimmjow)
Szayel: The information on your bankai was recorded by Rokureichuu. I infested in his body while healing him before hand. He was merely a container with which to transport them.
(Referring to Ichigo attacking Grimmjow, then being healed by Orihime)
Szayel: I'm not so childish... As to get mad over having one my container broken.
(Referring to Luppi, who Grimmjow had killed during that time)
Click For Full Size As you notice, Szayel Aporro has sacrificed more than handful of those who are similar or same to himself because it is what makes one whole, completeness and perfection like Yylfordt, Luppi and Cirucci Thunderwitch; and later sacrificed Telsa. Aizen who has been doing nothing but meddling with the Arrcnar in order to get at the Shinigami into Heuco Mundo and to satisfied his own boredom, which Szayel Aporro later counter an attack by sacrificing Privaron Espada who were in Aizen's favour at that time. Because there is no greater sacrifice than those who you truly love and admired that Aizen himself who had contradicted himself during the Hypnosis Arc in Soul Society because he had pushed everyone away in order to obtain his goal, including his own lieutenants Ichimaru Gin and Kaname Tousen. Luppi who was sacrificed severed an importance to Gin, whereas Tousen who has Wonder Weiss.
Nnoitora is known as Egyptian Mythology, Thoth. He shares the Eye of Horus with Szayel. It also stated that his left eye was gouge out, which explains why the moon is less brighter than the sun. It said that the mirror image or left eye sometimes represented the moon and the god Tehuti. Technically, Telsa is known Khonsu who is associated with the moon and was consider forms of Thoth, which it would explain why he wore his eye patch opposite of Nnoitora. It said that Khonsu caused the crescent moon to shine, women conceived, cattle became fertile, and all nostrils and every throat were filled with fresh air. Continuing, the crescent moon was imagined to be a knife in the hand of moon-gods such as Thoth and Khonsu. Thoth was said to destroy evildoers with the crescent moon as his weapon.
So what is the big deal with Szayel vs. Grimmjow have to do with Orihime?
Szayel Aporro release form is Gabriel known as Man of God, God is My Strength, which it is represented by Phoenix. This means Grimmjow release from is Michael known as One Who Is Like God represented by a Lion. However, Grimmjow is not a Lion and that has been proven many times with his fight with Ichigo; he basically a Cat. However, Cats know when to avoid fight and not picking one after another. This would explain why of every other Hollow, Grimmjow still evidently have a large hollow-hole from both ends that you could through basketballs through it; Grimmjow will never be King because he only has Groupies as his support; whereas Szayel has minions under his wing who will only follow his orders like the Exequias. In Egyptian Mythology, the Cat is known as Bast is known as a Solar and War Goddess. Originally the Bast was viewed as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt, and consequently depicted as a Fierce Lioness. Indeed, her name means (female) devourer. As protector, she was seen as defender of the pharaoh, and consequently of the later chief male deity, Ra, who was a solar deity also, gaining her the titles Lady of Flame and Eye of Ra (This all refers back to Szayel Aporro by the way).
Bast was originally Goddess of the Sun, which the Greeks later changed to Goddess of the Moon. Bastet literally means (female) of the ointment jar, Bast would gradually became thought of as the Goddess of Perfumes, earning the title perfumed protector. In connection with this, when Anubis became the God of Embalming, Bast, as goddess of ointment, came to be regarded as his wife, the association with Bastet having been the mother of Anubis, was broken years later when Anubis became Nephthys' son.
It said that the gentler characteristic of Bastet as Goddess of Perfumes, together with Lower Egypt's loss in the wars between Upper and Lower Egypt, led to a decrease in her ferocity. And by the Middle Kingdom she came to be regarded as a domestic cat, rather than a lioness. Hhowever, she was depicted holding a lioness mask, which hinted at suppressed ferocity. Because domestic cats tend to be tender and protective toward their offspring, Bast was also regarded as a good mother, and she was sometimes depicted with numerous kittens. Consequently, a woman who wanted children sometimes wore an amulet showing the goddess with kittens, the number of which indicated her own desired number of children.
Grimmjow release form makes him look like a mummified cat
Due to the severe disaster to the food supply that could be caused by simple vermin such as mice and rats, and their ability to fight and kill snakes, especially cobras, cats in Egypt were revered highly, sometimes being given golden jewelry to wear and being allowed to eat from the same plates as their owners. Consequently, later as the main cat (rather than lioness) deity, Bastet was strongly revered as the Patron of Cats, and thus it was in the temple at Per-Bast that dead (and mummified) cats were brought for burial.
Previous Theories Reads:
Horus (Elder, Younger, Forms)
Horus the ChildAutosite (Independent Twin Pair of Conjoin Twins, (Arran)car)
Bast (Cat)