One Hour Before Work.

Oct 07, 2005 12:58

Last night i had a werid ass dream i am not going to go into detail about it i just wanted to say it. anyhoo, i am going to get tested for hiv next week woot. and no i didnt have sex with anyone i just get tested reguraly. now about kevin. hmm, right now were just friends and i hope it stays that way. i really don't want a relationship with anyone right now for two main reason 1. i am not ready for it. 2. because i love being single. he's a good kisser and what ever and blah and he is my first asian which was like good and omg his body is sooo fucking nice!!!! so nice. and his hands soo soft. i could die i was so happy he spent the whole day and night with me. before he left back to La no he dosent live. There he's just visting his parents for the weekend which is good i like space from men. i like to do my thing and have them do there's and the weird thing about it is i don't miss him and do sayy ohh that's mean its a good thing because it means i am not clingy or attached to him and i still like him so forgive me for not being a school girl ok. i mad big ass money from this check i just got lets just say i have enough to cover rent and go out and have fun!!! keep in mind my rent is $400.00 so it's obvious my check is biger than that1!!!! the thing since i know my next check will be bigger cause they have me working more hours this week and next week and have me doing alot of over time like 10 hour days. which is nice money but hard on me. i dont know if i should pay rent ahead of time or just spend it all!! or save i think more than anything else i will just save it you know what i mean. cause i have no more stroage and the only major bill i have is my cell which is 99 but is gong down to 70 when i call them to tell them i was unlimted text messaging. so everything is going great now that i am independent and live on my own so what now bitches!!! my next entry when i have time will go into detal what me and kevin did. not sex wise like what we did and how nice he was. apart me of thinks it's a lie like all men do you know how they are at the begging like all my fucking ex's they change but he said this"i am so happpy that i met you joseph" and i was like aww and mad at the same time. lol
luv joseph
ps. my toung is sore!!! lol.
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