Nov 12, 2005 15:50
so last ngiht was my party. it was small but hella fun. it tunred out just like i wanted it to. people came, we talked and laughed ate a bunch of food. danced, talked, played scrable, watched Silly Wimm vieos, dressed people in my cloths, played apples to apples, danced some more.....cake, presents. anbd a bucnh more. i dont know how to explan the insanity of it all. you just would have had to be there. no ones could describe it all! it was jusy amazingly perfect. i got soo many awesome gifts gloves..hahahahahaha. YEs. then we went to the escape and danced it up withnthe little white man in his wyhity tightys. it was halerious. danced the night away adn thenw ent home and watched aladdin and crashed like a plain!YAY!!!
very tireing though...i have no voice...barly!