Jan 28, 2011 13:34
Mun Note: This ficlet is AU and RP-based.
Which cliché rings true to me? Oh, there are so many now. Once, when I was young and flippant and blasé about such things, I would say that all clichés were rubbish. But now, today, all that has changed.
I’d say that the one about a bird in the hand beating two in the bush is the one that rings true for me now.
It’s about appreciation, you see. About being grateful for what you have, about enjoying what’s before you instead of wanting more.
I don’t have much time left to live, thanks to the cancer, but I believe that now I have enough time to do what I want to do. To help others appreciate their lives, to be grateful for the days, weeks or years that remain to them.
And I am luckier than most people in that I have not just one person who loves me, but several. I have my family and my lovers. Those precious, precious lovers who have also become my assistants in setting up the games.
Words: 174
Muse: John Kramer AKA Jigsaw
Fandom: Saw