Something I should not like but have to

Sep 12, 2011 12:18

Don't take them for granted.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy losing a load of mucus and blood for a few days about as much as the next person, However it DOES tell me i'm able to make babies if I want them, and one day I do.

Rest of this probably too personal shit under cut

First time they stopped, it was because I was 94 kilos and my mum had a stroke and I was bullied, doing my HSC and stressed to hell.
I Also had no idea at the time I had PCOS, which means me eating too much cugar fucks up my ovaries and causes cycsts to grow on them, because they can't handle lots of sugar, and my insulin is too efficient and floods my bloodstream with the stuff whenever I have any.

Which SUCKS because i'm utterly addicted to chocolate (It's not even an emotion thing. I get cravings randomly no matter my mood, mood has no effect on it from what I've observed. I think I might have an endorphine addiction or something *shrug* )
Anyway, I'm working on that, fresh fruit substitute helps, but most of it is managing willpower.

I DIGRESS. My periods stopped again for liek the last two months, and I was thinking SHITSHITSHIT I'm fat cause my injuries last year ruined my fitness and now i'm in the high 90 kilo region again and i've FUCKED MY OVARIES.
Well that was my thinking anyway, and dude... you ever TRIED to ENDUCE a period before? My Uterus is a TROLL.
I was thinking i'd have to start rigorouse jumping jack excercises to shake my baby making factory into gear, but THANKFULLY it's woken the fuck up and got on with it. It's only taken, what, 3 weeks of excercise routine to get it into gear?

On that note, i've still not lost any weight that I can SEE yet, but my muscle tone is slowly coming back on my arms, and with the excercises my Excercise Physio has given me, I should get some nice toning in my shoulders now too.
I HAVE put on muscle weight, it is yet to be enough to start eating up my fat reserves (I am so sick of this belly it's not funny, UGH )
I'm eating low calorie stuff most of the time, but my body adapts to that kinda stuff and holds harder onto the calories it DOES get, but that's what the excercise is for.

I'm just relieved i'm bleeding again. Woo. joy. :/

IN OTHER LESS GROSS PERSONAL NEWS, I bought Kre-os :D I went a bit nuts. I got Jazz before meeting my friend for a movie (saw Green Lantern, it was AWESOME ) then we derped around in Target after and I SQUEED LOUDLY Because they ahd Mirage and Prowl, so i went nuts and bought them.
Despite the crippling headache that developed out of bad Cinema seats and bad lounge at home watching doctor who.
Headache woke me at 8 this morning and I had to go take tabs to get rid of it.
I'm probably going to vid review the hot can, just for lulz X3

transformers, kre-os, hot-cans ftw, death is a retard, tmi

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