OOC: Personality

Oct 17, 2008 15:22

Quite laid back, Rin presents the image of being whimsical while hiding a cunning and, at time, ruthless mind. Having lived for as long as she has, there is little that can get her worked up other than the transgressions of other immortals or threats to those she cares for deeply. Rin has died so many different ways, so many times that she does not fear death unless faced with the threat of the immortal women's natural enemy - the angels. Even then, while she may succumb to the physical reaction the angel's presence invokes, she has the presence of mind, and forceful will, to keep herself aware of her surroundings and fight back against the baser urges to destroy the angel before it managed to kill her or someone else.

She enjoys the simple aspects of life - helping people out through her consulting business, vodka, teasing the few friends she has that know of her immortality. Humanity, with their mortality, are fascinating to Rin and she takes the time to experience life with them in the midst of dealing with the problems Apos throws at her, taking it all in stride. She markets her consulting company as a sort of jack-of-all-trades business and will take on cases from missing cats to locating rare stamps to missing persons. She tends to stick her nose into things when she thinks something wrong is going on, but will also turn down perfectly good jobs when she thinks they're either boring or something about them just doesn't sit well with her.

She is currently involved in a romantic relationship with her partner, Mimi. Though it is true that Mimi can manipulate Rin to get her to act and do the job right, Rin is very protective of her partner and will engage in acts she knows Mimi doesn't approve of if they will accomplish what she needs done.


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