OOC: History

Oct 17, 2008 15:21

Born in the latter Heian period, Rin grew up and, upon adulthood, started traveling with a wandering samurai named Taijimamori. Sometime during her travels, she came in contact with a Fruit of Time, a special spore, from the memory tree, Yggdrasill. This spore settled into Rin's body and turned her immortal. She did not discover this until her and Taijimamori's campsite was attacked and she was killed in during the fight, a knife to her heart. Much to her surprise, she did not stay dead and her body pushed the knife out and regenerated the wound. Not understanding what had happened to her, she asked Taijimamori what happened, why couldn't she die, but he covered his eyes and backed away from her.

Tajimamori had once been asked by the Emperor who had somehow heard of the Fruit of Time, to go retrieve one for him, but by the time Tajimamori returned, the Emperor had died. During that quest, Tajimamori found Yggdrasill and had become it's guardian, thus making himself immortal. Being a male immortal, he was an angel and thus subject to the overwhelming instinct in angel's to feast upon the immortal women and their Fruits of Time, but being the guardian, he had the willpower to resist the instincts. So, when Rin, a woman he loved whom loved him back, had suddenly come to be an immortal, he questioned his ability to resist his instincts, so he left her lying there without answering her questions. He would continue to spend the rest of his time watching over Rin, occasionally sending her letters and eventually as time progressed to brief phone calls, but never visiting her in person.

Without Tajimamori's guidance at first, Rin adapted to being an immortal and hid it from the mortal humans around her. After her first letter, years later, came from Tajimamori, Rin couldn't yet read, but she soon became literate. She continued to live, the centuries passing by, changing locations and occupations from time to time to hide her immortality, though she tended to avoid Kyoto as that was where her first death had occurred. Rin never did just sit back and let life guide her. She grasped it by the horns looking for new experiences, meeting new people and observing how humanity worked and reacted to the events around them.

In the late 19th century, Rin became, against her will, the God's Bride. The God's Bride is the chosen immortal mate for the Guardian of Yggdrasill, the one to give birth to the next guardian when the time to pass the position on came. Eipos, Tajimamori's son and the current guardian, picked Rin because she was one of the oldest immortals and the one his father loved. Eipos did not want to pass the position on when it was time, so he concocted a plan to use the time spores to collect memories and nurture the Root of Yggdrasill that would eventually throw the world into war and chaos so all of humanity could see Yggdrasill (which only appeared to those that were going to die) and be connected to it, thus no longer needing a new guardian to replenish the tree.

To make this happen, Eipos would need to feed Rin's time spore to the root. As the time spores function to Yggdrasill as memory gatherers, to mature Rin's Fruit of Time, Eipos wanted her to suffer and have people close to her, those she cares about, die before her as well as put her in peril so the spore could experience more. He would send mercenaries at her as well as manipulate circumstances around her, but for the time being they were spaced out.

In the mid 1970s, Rin came across Mimi, a younger immortal, being attacked by an angel. Fighting against her own instincts to succumb to the angel's presence, Rin killed the angel and saved Mimi. Afterwards, Mimi became Rin's assistant, friend and eventual lover, both with a thirst for life as they started an investigation company in Tokyo called Asougi Consulting. With a new person for Eipos to torment Rin over, he stepped up his attacks and meddling. Eventually, he hired an assassin named Laura to kill Rin as many times as she could and make Rin suffer.

In 1990, Rin randomly came across a man named Kouki Maeno being pursued by unknown agents. Helping him out by knocking out all four agents, Rin takes him back to her office where he asks for their help, convinced his memories weren't really his memories. Investigation turned up that Kouki was actually a runaway clone from a lab in Sayama, being used for tests by the Aoyama Pharmaceutical company. Rin and Kouki infiltrate the lab, only to be captured. Kouki is returned to testing and Rin is tortured and killed by Sayara Yamanobe, a sadistic scientist with a piercing fetish. After Rin regenerated her injuries, and removed all the piercings she'd been given, she confronts Sayara, learning that the scientist was researching ways to achieve immortality. Disgusted by the way Sayara was going about her research, she leaves the scientist in the hands of her own delirious, violent and infected test subjects. Having rescued Kouki, after they leave the lab, Kouki is unsure what to do with himself as he now knows he's just a clone and not the real Kouki Maeno. Rin gives him a loaded gun and tells him there's really only two options, either end his existence or take the knowledge that he has and start living his own life regardless of the pain. She walks away, leaving him alone, and goes back to the car. Hearing the gun go off, she returns to her office, very sad for the choice he had apparently made. The next day, Kouki shows up, a bandage on his head, and asks for a job since he's decided to start living.

One year later, in 1991, Rin is hired to find a rare stamp. Her client is soon killed, the word 'Angel' written in blood on the wall. Soon afterwards, more murders are committed, all with the same MO. Shortly after one of the murders, Rin is nearby when she feels the presence of an angel as it's leaving the scene. Meanwhile, Kouki is investigating a missing persons report where the client is convinced that an angel came and took her brother away. In reality, it was the woman's brother that had become an angel and he was somehow resisting the urges to turn into a ravening beast, methodically going around and killing people associated with the rare stamp. The stamp was to be payment to a specific assassin who was hired to kill an important government official.

During the investigation, Rin is attacked by Laura, the assassin that also seems to not die though not an immortal, who eventually detonates a claymore mine, point blank, killing Rin and herself. Rin revives enough to drag her body away from the scene where Kouki, drawn by the nearby explosion, witnesses her painful regeneration. It is then that he learns both Rin and Mimi are immortals and how they came to be, as well as what angels were. Predicting who the angel's final victim was to be, Rin laid in wait, but was overcome by the lust when the angel showed up. She started to succumb and give in, the angel starting to eat through her shoulder, when she keeps her wits about her enough to shove him backwards, impaling him on a broken tree branch to kill him. An apparition of Eipos arrived to claim the angel's time spore, but Rin beats him too it and gives it to Kouki, who eventually gives it to the angel's sister as a momento.

Twenty years pass (2011) and Kouki has married the angel's sister and has a child. Rin and Mimi still have their investigation business. Rin recieves a message from a girl she didn't know, who has a message for her. The young girl tells Rin one cryptic sentence and then dies right afterwards in front her. The sentence reminds Rin of something she'd heard back in 1945 during the war. It is confirmed that the girl had been displaying symptoms of a supposedly extinct disease called Higan, that had once been researched during the war as a potential biological weapon on the supposed 'Isle of Death'. Officially, the island had been demolished and the inhabitants moved to the mainland. Rin's police contact confirms that the recent bombing in Tokyo were connected to the former residents as well as former military officers associated with the island. Rin starts drawing the connection between the bombings as well as the odd piercings the now dead girl had that somehow, even though it should be impossible, Sayara was alive or someone was continuing the mad scientist's research. Her investigation raised too many red flags with the covert group that was doing the bombings and Rin was assaulted in her apartment, sustaining a killing shot to the head.

When Rin revives from the gun shot, she finds herself in Hell's Gate.


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