Second Half of Langerado

Mar 19, 2008 15:39

Okay so I know i said it would be either the next day or so, but i was busy like... hardcore.

Regardless here is the continuation of langerado from evan's eyes/camera.

Okay so I begin my third day and the weather begins again crappy, however... it gets MUCH BETTER like holy crap it was nice out, a little chilly actually, but that was a welcome change from the rain and mud and nastafunk that was all over the place.

So first up that morning was the postmarks, a cute band, they made... atleast to me somewhat elevator music, because of the lead singers soft voice. But it was nice to listen to so early on what had become the most beautiful day. P.S. lead singer, total hottie

Next up that morning was Blitzen Trapper who sound mildly country/folkie not my proverbial bag of fun music but still, seemed to fit well in the mood of the day and did not dissapoint. Although i had smoked enough weed that morning to kill a small horse.

After Blitzen I pretty much spaced out for a few hours, wandering around talking to people, getting some food dont really remember any specifics but here are some pictures I took of the market place as I wandered through.

and another

see told you the weather was nice.

So when i come out of my daze i wind up in front of the biggest stage watching Citizen Cope, aparently alot of people knew about him because his devoted fan base was everywhere... i had never heard of the dudes. After watching the performance... still dont know why he has so many devoted fans.

They seemed almost generic to me, but meh, who am I to say what is good and what is not.

Okay so finally there was something I REALLY wanted to see that day, Ben mothafuckin Folds. Aparently Ben had been hanging around for a few days popping in on other performers and playing with them.

He began playing his piano and grabbed my attention immediatly he was not only amazing at the piano but took his playing to anoyher level when he placed a dish and spoon into his piano so that when he struck the keys he could create a noise that sort of sounded like... well a dish hitting a spoon. But still it was amazing to hear.

he then picked up his keyboard and played it like a key-tar.

Also for some reason his tamborine player did not stay on stage, rather he ran on when he was needed, ran up to the drummer, faced the drummer turning his back to the audience, and proceeded to rock out like i have never seen anyone rock out with a tamborine.

that's the best picture i have of him, his moments were fleeting, but hillarious.

After Ben folds I colled my heels for a bit till it was time the the Matis to come on, yes this was my third time seeing the hasidic regge star, and as always he put on a great show, and an even better beat box performance.

Unfortunetly I was very far back, but on a lighter note I was near some crazy chicks who sat on the ground the whole concert and ripped apart glow sticks to get the glowing goo contained inside. Then they sprayed everyone around them, i assumed someone would get upset, i mean, they are pouring most definetly toxic chemicals all over perfect strangers. But nope, no one was upset, the only person who even commented on the fact that some girl he had never met covered him in red luminescent ooze was some guy who said "woah, shits glowing" ahh the stoner nation never ceases to amaze me.

Now let me set the stage for the next event, while im watching Matisyahu beat box his way into oblivion, i see from behind me huge, piercing green lazers. I mean sweeping all over the place. So I walk over to investigate, so while im taking the 5-10min walk over to the stage behind the one Matis was performing on obviousy i begin to hear the music. It was so loud... so increadible loud that it was shaking the ground i was walking on. Now that's normal up front, but this was... 500 yards back. I look at my schedule and the band is called Ghostland Observatory.

When I arrive close enough to actually see beyond the green haze there industrial lazer machine had created by mixing with the smokey haze I saw... what looked like a wizzard in some kind of small stage of his own/cage. And the lead singer who looked like he was 90lbs and who was belting out his lyrics with so much force i thought he would surely pass out.

I had never heard of them, but now im a fan for life. Great performance.

Last up that day was R.E.M. gotta love the oldschool, other then Michael Stipe voicing his political views, and continually taking off his clothes and throwing them into the audience, it was a very good concert.

He kept running back and getting more clothes. It was a little weird.

Saturday summation: good music, great weather, long day, made evan sleep really well.

So I reached the final day, i survived the bathrooms, the lack of showers, and the wet tent for 4 days. Go Evan.

First up was Chris Hartfort and the Band of Changes. They were the only band that morning that was not folkie, the rest of this whole morning was folk, let me go through this quickly.

Chris Hartfort and the Band of Changes - - power ballotie

Jonah Smith - - folkie

Hoots/ Hellmouth - - folkie, but really fun to watch

Next was Josh Ritter, who langerado called John Ritter, in all the programs, so he stood up and told the crowd his name and explained that there were no hard feelings against londerado. His music was good. Quite good.

Also his bassist had the coolest mustache ever.

Seriously look at that thing.

Next up was the Shout Out Louds who I had heard of, but never actually heard. They were really refreshingly origonal and I really liked the passion I felt from them. The whole band seemed to go into a trance when they performed.

Also the keyboardist was a total hottie.

Then my camera broke and produced this...

This is suposed to be Grace Potter & The Nocturnals, who is folkie... but anyways, i later smacked my camera...

and it worked again.

Then came Minus the Bear... heard a little of them before, but i fell in love with there fast paced electronic-esq sound.

And so finally we get to of Montreal, what a mind fuck this performance was. I loved the band before I saw them live. Nothing.... nothing ever prepaired me for this.

Okay so they have these... i dont know what they are called if someone wants to tell me that would be awesome, but these characters who are dressed in all black with a mask on, different masks, but they would act things out as the band was performing. Very weird, but not nearly as weird as...

he came out in a "coffin" covered in shaving cream... wtf?

The band also threw a small cardboard box, in it...


Sunday in summation: FUCKING HAIR MAN!

So that was pretty much the end of my adventure... Langerado in summation: the intense rain, the increadible music, the drugs, the food, the wind, the people, the characters i met, who were not people but made up insane things which i will never be able to understand. I would say... it was increadible, and cant wait to go back next year.

There was also this guy who kept yelling yes. He was on stilts.

only the word yes... i guess he liked the word yes

Fill and some friends tinfoiled my room while I was gone.

K done.

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