a great read

Jun 15, 2007 01:55

      I'd like to recommend all of you an utterly great read (see left). It's actually The Holy Quran translated into English by Abdullah Yusuf 'Ali. This translated version by the author is very clear such that it makes the meaning behind the verses of the Koran highly accessible to the readers.

The knowledge that you gain each time you flip open the book is immense. It's not that i'm not advocating that you read the Koran in its original language - nothing beats the full blessings you can gain by reading it as it is penned. However, I find that it is beneficial to read the translated version and find out the meaning behind the numerous verses from time to time.

I've discovered lots of new knowledge regarding Islam and not only that, knowing about your faith straight from Allah helps tremendously in putting into perspective what Islam is and affirm the faith you have in the existence of Allah, His Angels, the world of the Unseen, the Hereafter and the Day of Judgment. Additionally, there are some verses inside which are so motivating that it is able to get you through life especially when you're down.

So what are you waiting for? It's time to head down to Haji Hashim's (I think there's such a bookshop!) and get that book!
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