For chemistry class! I AM SO FUCKING HAPPY!
Ms Carter is just so much win. I know Chemistry will be a breeze this year with her, she makes sense and teaches without all that like, metaphorical crap (you know back in 4th grade, the 'fractions are like a pizza!' crap? yeah, that shit! i hate that!) and she has this subtle wit that keeps you listening even if it's only so you'll notice when she says something really funny. She's also got a bit of a nature-loving hippie side to her, and wears plaid shirts. I love plaid shirts! And the best part!
SHE GIVES STICKERS ON TESTS! 80% is a little sticker, 90% is a bigger one and 100% is HUGE STICKER! Plus for 100% she gives you a gold star at the front of the class, the ultimate motivation for my inner(ish) child! MS CAAAAAAAAARTER!
I got Mrs Eva for English again too, I'm rather happy about that because she totally did something about the major fear of public speaking I've always had and now I can, you know, deliver speeches without crying. LOL. She might be crazy and wear that epic bits-of-yarn blazer (you would have to see it to understand) but she cares. And she loves me, even if I got 70s on pretty much all my assignments during the term I always ended up with high 80s or low 90s at the end of the term, wtf. xD Not to mention I would skip a bunch of assignments too! 8D! I'm such a lazy ass >__>
Besides that all my teachers seem alright from what I've heard, Justine said my physics teacher Ms Wallace is gross but if I stay on her good side I'll be alright, and guess what, staying on teachers' good sides is just something I naturally do. D|;;;;;;;
ANDDDDDDDDDDDDD I have Shannon in chem, physics, and math (they put me in Science math this year- the highest! last year I was only in the middle... I think it's because I have chem and physics), Audrey in English, French, Math, Art, Gym, and I think Contemporary World (whatever that is, but I got Wheeler for it again, that's good... I guess) Jimin in Chem/phys/math... Caelan might get pulled out of fine arts which sucks! But at least I'll have classes with my sweet beloved Shannon! I CAN WATCH HER FAIL AT STUFF!
Like last year when we went to the science tutorial before the exam because Shan's a moron and wanted help:
Shannon: *doing a formula- that thing to find out how many grams of x substance you get from a chemical reaction with whatever amount of y substance*
Me: *watching*
Shannon: *puts formula in calculator, hitting + instead of x*
Me: *says nothing*
Shannon: I got the wrong answer! WHY?! Let's call Ms Carter-
Me: No, wait! Did you hit x or +?
Shannon: x, of course-
Me: No. You hit +.
Shannon: *tries again* *gets it right this time*
Me: Hahahaha!
Ms Carter: Why didn't you tell her while she was putting it in the first time?
Me: I wanted to watch her fail. 8DDDDDDDD
My textbook for French this year is so horrible, it's called 'Vidéo Puce' and on the back it claims that in the series, there are the following included:
-2 student books
-2 activity books
-2 videocassettes
-2 instruction manuals
Wtf? It says copyright 1991 in the front cover, it's older than me! Ewwww. I'm afraid to even touch it, it's so dirty and ew ew ew.
I opened the Mystic Box on facebook today and got a golden egg wrapped in a red ribbon, it reminded me of La Poule au Oeufs D'or, the show in Quebec, 'The Chicken Who Lays Golden Eggs'... the eggs have money prizes inside of course! It's a gameshow and also has a spinoff lottery ticket, lol, which my mom the lottery lover buys like every week. Honestly I liked it better when I opened the box and got Viagra. LOL.
Also work called this morning and said that from this point on the pool is only open on weekends! (: That will give me a good rest until Tuesday when school starts. I'm all excited for school now, yeah I'm such a nerd, but you know what, I'm just sick of not seeing my friends.
I'm really starting to think my boss hates me, either that or is just an ass. Bah! At least school starts soon.
Oh and kawasakininja, from that song you posted (which I listened to for like an hour, it's nice) I discovered that catastrophe in French and Croatian sound almost the same. Except the -uh at the end, in French we'd only pronounce it that much for added feeling. But that's obviously just because a bunch of languages tend to borrow the same words. Yeah, you disabled comments, but you'll never stop me from talking completely. 8D /shot
Ouji sneezed on my face again today.
Who's that Pokémon?!
It's Yuki! And yes, one of her attacks is lick attack! PARALYZED!
I miss watching Pokémon when they were still cool.