(no subject)

Nov 11, 2004 23:27

this week has been pretty shitty. i'm trying to buckle down, put the petal to the metal, bite the bullet. all those kinds of phrases. tonight is giving me more confidence. i'm taking a break during my self imposed exile at the library. got the adrenaline pumping, pounding out this paper. who knows if it's good but it'll be done (hopefully) soon. then finish an outline. then this weekend another shorter paper. but i can i can! (hopefully). i'm getting better at least. i recognise my patterns and that makes me somewhat happy.

i think it was tuesday, i was groiughnflaffne, not doing so good. then.... the doorbell rings. i go downstairs and see the back of a mailman. left on the doorstep, a package for me! saw the return address, s.e. woodstock ave, pdx and i jumped up and down on the porch for a while. he sent me a nalgene with the reed college seal "communism, atheism, free love" and i get looks when people read it. inside it he packed me an indian stew insta-pack. yummy tamarind, lentils and spice packets all ready to go. and a post card! can i just take a step back and pronounce my love? i made the food and jumped up and down some more. and i still got leftovers! it was an acceptable temporary substitute for the complete and utter lack of toddtime there will be this thanksgiving.

it's sooooo hard, but my spirits were lifted. i want to be an active engaged part of his life. for now i guess i'll settle for the back of his mind.

other news:
- rockin out with the strawberriness of my new chapstick
- the led light on my flashdrive is brighter than everyone else's in the computer lab (hahaha)
- the water in my nalgene still tastes like hint of tamarind
- this keyboard isn't nearly as disgusting as they usually are
- boom boom boom
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