Surprising Events

May 19, 2007 15:15

    First off, I should say that Shane and I have broken up. We broke up Thursday night. It was mutual. We've both been thinking over the past couple of months about when I go to college. Neither of us believe in long-distance relationships. Personally, I would never put myself in that position. I don't want to have to deal with the temptation to cheat on the one that's away. Anyway, back to Shane and I. He also said it seemed like we didn't really know each other anymore. Like he was giving me a hug and he couldn't see my face. I said it was like we were like Shamber the unit, instead of Shane and Amber. He agreed. He also said it seemed like we've been arguing more and more. So, we're taking a step back and we're going to just be friends. Best friends, but friends nonetheless. He says maybe we could get back together, years from now. I don't know about that. We may not be the same people in a couple of years. So. I'm a free woman now. This is good and bad. Good, in that now I can do things Shane didn't approve of. Such as try weed in college. Bad, in that things between Shane and I will change. It'll be a little awkward, I think. I'm not going to be with anyone else until I go to college. For a couple of reasons. One, it would hurt Shane. I don't want to hurt him anymore than he already is. Two, there would be no point. The odds that I would meet a guy I could like that way that just happens to want to go to the same college that I do is very slim. Especially because I don't know what college I want to go to for sure. And anyway, the majority of people who go to college with a high school sweetheart don't finish college still with that sweetheart. So I'll just save myself the trouble.
    I had surgery. I survived (obviously). I lost 10 lbs from the last time I went to the doctor's. I was 142, then when I weighed myself on our scale on Saturday or Sunday, I weighed 130 lbs. I hadn't had a thing to eat in a day and a half, so this wasn't too surprising. I was on Vicodin until Monday, when I ran out. It wasn't how I thought it would be. Not as strong and I didn't act all loopy. *shrug* Whatever. I got my stitches out on Thursday. That fuckin' hurt. The tissue was still swollen: the doc had to use tweezers, basically, to grab the knot and pull so that he could cut them. Painful... And now I'm back on solids! Yay! Gods, that sucked to have to live on liquids and very soft food. Yogurt, Atkins' shakes, grape juice, pudding, and chicken noodle soup became my best friends. Not anymore, though. Solids are mine again.
    I leave for Europe in 25 days. Omigods. Fuckin' crazy! I can't wait. It's gonna be awesome. Heh heh.
    I guess that's all. Oh wait. No it isn't. I got my ACT scores back like just before my surgery. I got a 28. Ok, I suppose. I probably could've done better. It's always the math that kills me. My SAT scores were 1750. My math score was like 500. It's always the fuckin' math...

And I wonder
When I sing along with you
If everything could ever feel this real forever
If everything could ever be this good again
The only thing I'll ever ask of you
You've gotta promise not to stop when I say "When"
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