
Nov 10, 2012 20:03

Dear Baby Swaff,

Hello lovely one. =) It's been a month since I updated, so I thought I should probably let you know what's been going on this month. Last time I updated, Daddy couldn't feel your kicks, but now he definitely can, and you've kicked him a great many times! In fact, you've been kicking plenty of people! Today, at work, you were kicking quite high up (actually, my stomach - the first time I've felt that!) and kicked one of my colleagues as she was having a feel of my tummy. =) You have your own little routine and I'm pretty sure you sleep during the night when I do, because you never wake me up with your kicks. You're usually very active in the mornings between 6am and 8am, and then again later at about 10am. After that, you're generally awake around 3pm or 4pm, and then again at bedtime - 10pm-11pm. =)

Auntie Megan and Uncle Dan got married on 26th October!! We all had such a lovely time, and I was so honoured to be their chief bridesmaid. =) It meant that I was first down the aisle, but actually - as Nanna pointed out - YOU were first down the aisle. ;)

The day was so lovely, and it was nice just to relax and have a good time. I did have a few very tiny sips of champagne (in orange juice) during the speeches, but they probably all amounted to about one normal sip! You didn't seem to be affected anyway. =P I spent the whole evening dancing on the dance floor with Daddy and our friends. It was really nice - I thought I'd be tired after the big day, but I was fine! We stayed at the hotel too, which was a big highlight, because we didn't have to leave Megan and Dan on their wedding day to get home, and it was like a special little holiday!

That weekend, we also went to see one of Nanny's friends who was selling loads of baby bits. We went to have a look at everything she was selling, and decided to take nearly all of it! In total, we got you a lovely moses basket and rocking stand, a cotbed with matching wardrobe and changing table, loads of unisex bed linen (for the cotbed and moses basket), some curtains and matching lamp shade, lots of bottles and misc bits, a lovely mobile for the cot, and a huge sack of toys that Nanny has kept at her's and Grandad's house. =) We have set up the moses basket in our bedroom already, with the sheets on and everything. I keep looking at it, thinking you'll be in it in (just over) 3 months! Me and Daddy had a lovely moment when we had a look at the mobile we got - it plays 'When You Wish Upon A Star', which made me well up thinking about you in your cot watching it/falling asleep. We are going to be so lucky to have you when you're here.

Last weekend, Grandad C came to visit with Auntie Marthe and Uncle Mo. It was Mo's birthday on Wednesday (he's now 8!), so we gave him his present - a 'gross magic set'. He loved it! Marthe and Mo both brought you a present - a cuddly Eeyore and Winnie the Pooh! Auntie Marthe also had a feel of my tummy, but I think you were asleep through their whole visit, so she didn't feel you kicking.

They also brought down a carrycot I had bought from eBay - it's compatible with the pram we got you, so I'm really excited about using that!

I suppose that's all that's been going on really! Oh! I have also told Nanny that she's in charge of organising my (our) baby shower! I think they're generally quite new in the UK, so we're not sure what to do, but I think just a gathering of ladies, some talk about babies, some nibbles and a few games would do it! =) We'll probably have it in January, to get Christmas out of the way. Plus, I'll be about 36 weeks when we're thinking of having it, and will be off work from then! Yay!

Today, we are 25 weeks +3 days along and that means you're the size of a cauliflower! Last week (24 weeks) was a big milestone for us because it now means that you are viable. That means it's possible for you to survive outside the womb, with a lot of help! Though, of course, we're hoping you stay put for a good while yet. ;)

It's 8pm, and I think you're waking up now. I'm going to leave it there. =) Hopefully, I won't leave it too long before I update again.

I love you loads, my lovely little baby.

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