Dear Baby Swaff,
Hello little lamb. On Thursday last week, we had our 20 week scan, the anomaly scan. =) It was so lovely to see you again!
As soon as we got into the room, I told the sonographer we didn't want to know your sex! Daddy and I had deliberated over finding out for weeks, and decided not to. She said, "Oh, that's good then, because babies never show me!".
So she started the scan - we looked at your heart (in great detail), and your brain, which all looks very good. She measured the circumference of your head - that gives us an indication of how you're growing overall. She said we're dead on with dates, so you're doing well with your growing. We saw you wriggling around and playing with your feet. Your hand was by your head a lot, and it looked like you were sucking your thumb sometimes too.
She had a look at your stomach and told us she was going to look lower down, so we looked away. She was checking out your bladder and your legs and said to us, "Ah yes, Baby's opening its legs now!" so she knows whether you're a boy or girl. =) It was so hard not to look at the screen when she said that, but we were strong. We don't want to know until you're here!
Your spine looks great, and there's a very good chance you haven't got spina bifida, though these things can't necessarily be confirmed. She told us nothing looks out of the ordinary anyway. =)
It was so nice to see you on the screen having fun. Every time you kicked, we saw it happen and I felt it too! It was great to see. I can't believe the next time we'll see you, you'll be in our arms! It seems like you're really enjoying being in Mummy's tummy! We really can't wait to meet you though.
As I sit here typing, you're kicking and wriggling away. I was just lying on the sofa with Daddy's hand on my tummy, but he can't feel you on the outside yet, though I'm certain I can. I think it's just because I can feel it from the inside too. We did see you kicking though - if I'm very still with my breathing, and lying on my back, we can see my tummy move when you kick! How exciting! Daddy said he definitely saw that, but he wants to feel your kicking. =) Every time he puts his hand on my tummy, you stop moving. Haha!
I (We - me and you!) had a really great weekend this weekend, and went to stay with Auntie Megan and Uncle Dan. They're getting married at the end of this month, and I took Megan to London to see 'The Lion King' on the West End. You were very active in London on Saturday, but on Sunday, you weren't so active. I think the trip just exhausted us both, because you're much more active today, two days later. Uncle Joe came to stay on Sunday night too, with his girlfriend Jackeline. We all had a listen to you in my tummy, and your heartbeat was nice and strong, like a steam train, as usual. =) (You are very wiggly right at this moment, by the way!)
I wasn't sure, at the beginning, that I liked the feeling of your movements and kicks, but now I love it. Now that I'm used to how it feels, it's very natural for me to feel that you're in there and moving. It's very reassuring too, which is why we're not listening in with the monitor so much now. I just can't wait until Daddy can feel your movements from the outside! It'll be amazing, and I don't think it's going to be too long until that happens. We'll be 21 weeks along tomorrow, which is still a bit 'early' according to sources online, but we can already see you moving around if I'm very still, so I'm sure Daddy will be able to feel you very soon.
Daddy and I have discovered that you like/dislike loud gunshots on the outside (it's not as scary as it sounds!)! Twice now, we've been to the cinema and seen an action film. Throughout both, you've been very wriggly and kicky when the gunshots go off! Haha! On Friday night, me and Auntie Megan were finding gunshot sounds online and playing them to you! Haha! You didn't react, but it must have looked really funny. =P It made us laugh, thinking about what we were doing!
So, I'm still convinced you're a boy. Even more so, now that we've had our 20-week scan (though, there's no way to know, since we didn't look at the monitor when you opened your legs, and the photos we have don't give anything away!). There's no real reason why, but I just think you're a boy. I will be SO surprised if you're a girl - and I will apologise now, if this talk is offending you. ;-) Daddy still thinks you're a girl. I have an online game for people to guess your gender, birthday, weight and length. It's
here. nb: Anyone who is reading this is welcome to take a guess. =) So far, we have 11 guessers and 8 of them predict that you're a boy!
Well, I guess I've gone on for long enough now. That's our update for now. =) We love you, Baby Swaff. "Sweetheart Pink" or "Sweetheart Blue" (still a sweetheart, anyway!)!