Harvard Hallyween

Oct 16, 2012 21:24

He had never really followed the invitation of a department Halloween party. Yet, this was Harvard, famous for their pranks and parties, without anything infamous happening. That was the really intriguing part, Gil thought, because back on the West coast he had processed his fair share of frat parties gone wrong. After spending a good two months at the institute, though, he had already gleaned that nothing of the sort would be happening at the most prestigious university in the world, so there wouldn't be any harm in checking it out, would there?

Never having attended a Halloween party before - yes, that's how much of a party animal Gil had been in his own college years -, he remained on safe ground with his costume choice: mad scientist. It had been easy enough to assemble, too, which was a pleasant side effect of basically just tweaking work clothes. He already had a lab coat with his name on it. Add a little (real) blood spatter and palm prints, some dead roaches - super glued for stability - and he had already half a costume. Add some hair crème for that mussed 'I licked an electrical outlet' look, as well as some neat fake scars, Gil simple wore his old, nerdy glasses to complete the ensemble. Nothing that'd underline his handsome features, but hey, he wasn't going to try and pull of a 'sexy' mad scientist within the first half year at this place.

Although Gil still didn't have a clue why he worried so much over what people would think of him. He was employed as a guest lecturer, and while people were welcoming and friendly as ever, Gil had been torn between remaining his unapproachable self and keep his distance between him and the rest of the world, and . . well, simply taking the chance and letting go for once. It was tempting, in a completely strange place, to just not be yourself for a little while. Be your true self, that was, and not the one that you've got casted into by everyone you knew and worked with.

Everybody had helped with this party, as it would be department wide, the first bash freshers would see and a chance for each house to show what it could do. The state of the art gym - or a fancy warehouse, Gil wasn't sure - had been transformed into an entire Halloween landscape. He wasn't sure, but was that a haunted house in the back there? Eery soft music was heightening the errand screams while in the far off people were setting up a stage for a live performance, it looked like. Booze wasn't going to happen, although as far as Gil expected, one of these kids was going to spike the punch at some point.

Alright, Gil old bean, let's mingle.
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