
Mar 24, 2010 20:48

Daniel Jackson, linguist extraordinaire, has entered the Nexus. He runs a hand through his hair, looking frazzled.

"What would you do if you had someone else living in your head?"

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Comments 117

swindle_blitz March 25 2010, 00:56:57 UTC
"Annoy them!" Random Blitzwing says from his seat on a couch, grinning his fangy grin, "Oh, wait, I already do that! AHAHAHAH!"


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:06:04 UTC
Daniel raises an eyebrow, and when he speaks it's still his voice, but with different inflections and accent. "Oh, I do, darling." Vala is rather smug about it, too. She looks Blitzwing up and down. "You're a rather shiny... personage."


swindle_blitz March 25 2010, 01:17:37 UTC
Random cackles, "Thank you!" and then his face spins, reveiling Icy's blue one. "How curious."


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:57:43 UTC
"Curiouser and curiouser." Both of them are intrigued. "You just... switched your face."


allmyyesterdays March 25 2010, 01:11:40 UTC
Irma was finishing up smoking a cigarette when she hears the question, and abruptly coughs a little. She looks a little awkward for a moment, but then hides it quickly.

"... adjust."


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:27:44 UTC
Daniel frowns and makes a vague hand gesture. "What, just... like that?" It's not like they haven't been trying.


allmyyesterdays March 25 2010, 01:30:12 UTC
"No, of course not," Irma says quickly. "Do you like each other? Or... tolerate each other, at least?"


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:34:13 UTC
"Erm." Embarrassment and amusement flicker across his face. "It's kind of... uh."

Vala hijacks the sentence. "I wanted in his pants but not like this!" she blurts out.

Daniel facepalms.


thosetwoturrets March 25 2010, 01:15:48 UTC
"Tell 'em, go find your own brain to live in," Steve says succinctly, from where he and Gary are standing against a nearby wall.

"Or A.I., in our case," Gary adds. "'Course, we do come from a place where the boss-lady says she can clone people."


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:30:53 UTC
Daniel's face scrunches up. "My own brain is kind of dead," Vala mutters through his mouth. Though now that she's noticed the presence of the two little androids, she's automatically assessing their value on the black market. "You wouldn't happen to be made of anything... expensive, would you?"


thosetwoturrets March 25 2010, 01:35:39 UTC
Steve and Gary would be making startled faces now if they could. "Whoa, that's weird," Steve says, red "eye" flickering. "And yeah, I guess not having a brain would be a problem. Uh -- I dunno, draw lots for who gets to go on when?"

"Who wants to know?" Gary says, automatically suspicious. "We're just standard-issue sentry turrets."

"Apart from our charming personalities, of course," Steve adds in just a slightly sleazy tone.


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:55:30 UTC
"Oh, no reason." Daniel's fingers are itching to go and start poking at them, though. And Vala's already trying to figure out how to take them back with her, because she knows a guy on Ectair Six who would be willing to buy them as scrap. But would he pay more than the merchant on Kefanis who was looking for watch-droids? hmm.


sinner01 March 25 2010, 01:29:48 UTC
Kill it with fire! Aion has...issues along that line, but the twitch is very well concealed. "I suppose it would depend on the situation," he says.


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 01:37:38 UTC
Daniel tilts his head, thinking. "I guess it's kind of like... a lifeboat." That was what Sam used to describe the Stromos incident. "Except her body died before she could go back and now she's kind of... stuck."


sinner01 March 25 2010, 02:07:37 UTC
"I see," Aion says thoughtfully. "I take it the body was completely destroyed, or unavailable? And your medical technology isn't quite up to the task of restoring the body and extracting your...refugee."


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 02:18:59 UTC
"It's... yeah, that's pretty close," Daniel admits. "She was in another galaxy at the time, and by the time we realized what had happened..."

Vala doesn't like thinking about what might have happened. She doesn't know how she died, just that something went wrong and then she never snapped back into her own body. "It's too late now, anyway," she says sadly.


not_wunderkind March 25 2010, 03:19:15 UTC
Johansen looks up from his book.

"Literally or figuratively?" he asks, intrigued.


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 03:24:47 UTC
"Literally. Very much literally." Daniel frowns, and waves vaguely beside his head. "We have to put up with each other basically twenty-four seven, except when we're asleep."


not_wunderkind March 25 2010, 03:29:22 UTC
This wasn't exactly the answer he was expecting.

"That sounds...horrible! How does that even work? How do you keep from going insane?"


2souls_in1 March 25 2010, 03:34:39 UTC
Daniel opens his mouth to give the usual hemming and hawing, and Vala butts in and runs away with his words. "Alien technology put me in Daniel's body as a communication relay, I died, got stuck, Daniel's consciousness woke up, and here we are!" She smiles innocently, even though it's not that funny and she's not anywhere near innocent.

Truth be told, they're not even sure they are capable of staying sane. Already the edges are starting to fuzz and blur together.


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