Mar 09, 2007 17:52

Oh you know it's a bad day when boats start getting beached by the orange-yellow Kraken. It thunderously HOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMs loudly, demanding an explanation for this bullshit right here and right now.

It also wants ANSWERS.

Because, see, these boats have massive posters on the sides of their hulls.

Eattheboats can't eat these until they're guessed, are you a bad enough dude to help a Kraken-brotha out?

The First!

The Second!

The Third! roadmostbloody knew that this was osborn_journals. Clearly, Norman likes to help a Kraken-brotha out, as the expensive purple and green speedboat has met its end in Davy Jones's locker as well, leaving the poster behind.

The Fourth! sublime_bolt guessed correctly that this was isis_macrow

The Fifth!

The Sixth!

The Seventh!

The Eighth! Was king_spider, which was guessed by spinsaweb. The boat is snatched, but the poster remains!

The Ninth! Was guessed by bishie_beastboy to be Isamu (leavemea_lone) This boat has also met a watery fate, but the poster, as is narrative convenience, remains behind.

The Tenth! Which is homo_panthera, which was guessed correctly by vocalentrapment!

The Eleventh! is revealed to be holybizow! Guessed by shard_bishop. The poster, here, also remains behind.

The Twelfth! Which turned out to be I_AM_HUGE, which was guessed by violet_cure, like the others, the poster remains after the whaling ship is snatched into the depths.

The Thirteenth! Was guessed as Hanatarou (handle_gently) by bishie_beastboy! Eattheboats has snatched this boat to the depths, but the poster conveniently remains.

The Fourteenth! was bishie_beastboy! Which was guessed by harley_is_love. That boat meets its watery fate as well, leaving that awefully bloody image behind.

The Fifteenth!

The Sixteenth!

Man. That's a lot of boats.

So. Nexus. Can you guess?

(( kosmosxshion AT gmail DOT com for the next round, folks. 'Secrets' in the subject, and I assume he'll want the username/pup name like I did. Thank you for letting me do this, now DANCE, PUPPETS, AND GUESS >:3

Also, to those new at this: SUPPLY THE USERNAME IN YOUR GUESSES, please. Even if in Narration, it helps me immensely, since that's what my cheatsheet is based on. ))


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